Coloring in My Coloring Books for Inktober

If you have been around this blog long enough, you will know that I get excited for craft challenges. I like the idea of pushing myself a little each day to explore new mediums or master old ones. So this year, I have been thinking about Inktober. What is Inktober you ask? Jake Parker created Inktober in 2009 as a challenge to improve his inking skills and develop positive drawing habits. It has since grown into a worldwide endeavor with thousands of artists taking on the challenge every year.

Another thing you might know about me is I like to stretch challenges to fit my needs whether it’s a reading or crafting challenge, I always find a way to make it work for me.

So I am stretching this challenge to include my colored pencils and inks in my coloring books. That way I can also meet one of my personal goals which is to color more of my coloring books. Which we all know I have quite a large collection.

For the Inktober challenge you are supposed to draw each day. So I went through my coloring books and found one that might make the challenge less challenging for me. It is called. Matchstick Mouse – A Halloween coloring book and Matchstick Mouse – An Autumn coloring book. The images are really small and simple. So I might be able to complete one in a day or two.

Despite the fact that I am starting late, I will try to post a few days a week of the pages I color in this book for the remainder of the month.

Let’s see how many I can complete by the end of October. Let me know if you are participating in this challenge.

Happy coloring!

What’s on Your Workdesk Wednesday #595

on my desk…

Hello, my crafty friends! It’s Wednesday and you know what time it is. Time to snoop. For those of you that aren’t familiar with WOYWW (What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday), head on over to Julia’s Stamping Ground and you will find desks from all around the world where we get to snoop on other crafter’s desks.

Confession, my desk photo was taken last night because I knew I wouldn’t have time to process the photos etc. this morning. I have to take my boys to their first dentist appointment since the pandemic broke out. I am a bit anxious. Our jobs as parents are to keep our children safe and I have to put them in harms way, to ensure their teeth are healthy. So it sort of goes against my instinct. I am very careful with exposing my boys to any unnecessary exposure so I am a bit of a bundle of nerves this morning. So send positive energy that all three of us come out Covid-free.

I started a coloring book page a few days ago for Halloween. It’s a color-along and I am loving the color combos for the sky. I hope to finish it before Halloween. I will share it when I do. No trick or treating for us. I hope trick or treaters come to our door, it will make me sad. I will keep our lights off to discourage visits. It’s very sad for the kids.

Last Saturday’s crop was fun as usual and I played around with a new die to create the birthday cards above.

My father-in-law’s birthday was this past week so I also made him a birthday card with a new birthday stamp, patterned paper and my Copics.

Talk about scary, on the way to visit my in-laws this weekend, the raised highway I ride has been having construction work performed on it for months and on this day they were breaking down the other side of the highway. So as we slowly passed we could feel the whole road shake. I took the picture and then closed my eyes (no judgement ladies) while my husband drove us past.

I have been missing my coloring books so I am also started another page last week. It’s good practice coloring water.

Let’s talk about Covid binge shopping. I’m just sayin’ that this pile of delight arrived a few days ago and I can’t stop smiling. I will share them with you as I use them. Covid has been brutal to my bank account.

Stress from the upcoming election has made me sink deeper into my books. I plan on doing some today after all the dental appointment errands. This is one of my many book nooks in my house. This one makes me happy because I enjoy looking at one of my bookcases (Yes, I said one of my bookcases. I have several. That’s what bookworms do!!)

I am a big fan of sunrise and sunsets and this one my son took for me with his camera on Saturday evening. It was this spectacular. I can’t explain how happy it makes me to look at sunsets. I hope it brings a smile to your faces. I am off now but will stop by later today and for the rest of the week. (I am slow at making my rounds lately).


What’s on Your Workdesk Wednesday #558

on my desk…

Hello! I think for now I will go back to snooping every other week. It is a little less stressful for me that way. So here I am. I hope you all were well last week and sharing your crafty habits today!

For those of you that aren’t familiar with WOYWW (What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday), head on over to Julia’s Stamping Ground and you will find desks from all around the world where we get to snoop on other crafter’s desks.

Fun coloring book.

Today’s desk has a lot of things in the works. I am still playing around with the Polychromos. But today I have a new coloring book I picked up (just ignore the fact that I said that). It is woodcut style images. The coloring is so simple and it makes me look like a professional colorist!! I think this is a good one to grab after the more detailed ones that I am working on just for a break. I copied the color combinations for this beautiful tiger from the back cover! So it was fast and rewarding.

My first colored page of the book.

On my laptop, I have a genealogy show on Youtube playing so I can learn while I color.

Watching Youtube while coloring.

Then there are some projects I started on my Silhouette. One is the black heart in the back. It will be a heart marquee. I first have to assemble it and figure out how to light it. The instructions are non-existent with the cut file so I will have to figure it out. The other heart you see is to be attached to the green wire and then placed in a pot to look like a heart topiary decor.

The wooden hearts you see on the right are from the Target dollar section and I haven’t figured out what I want to do with them. They are intended to be place cardholders. But I want to do something different.

My new storage for my Nuvo drops.

I have been really trying to keep my craft room tidy since the new year and I bought a few additional storage pieces for my craft room. This new storage for my Nuvo drops is really fun and they stack for even more convenience. I have it on my desk for now so that I will be reminded to use them.

Well, I have taken too much time. I will come snook over the next few days.

Happy crafting!

What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday – #508

Good morning to my crafty WOYWW friends! For those of you that aren’t familiar with WOYWW (What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday), head on over to Julia’s Stamping Ground and you will find desks from all around the world where we get to snoop on other crafter’s desks.

Hello! I first must apologize because a few weeks back when I last posted, I was unable to visit all of the desks of all of you that popped by. I plan on rectifying that this week.

Today’s desk not so bad because I cleaned it up a few days ago. Otherwise it would be pure chaos right now. I’m sorry the photo is a little blurry. Today I am sharing another coloring page and this time from the coloring book, “Die Welt unter der Lupe zu Lande by Rita Berman. I love her coloring books so much that I plan on collecting them all. First off, the size of the book is perfect (roughly 8 x 8 inches). It’s not to small and not too big. The images are so pretty that they make you want to color them. I am almost through with this page. Once color the remaining flowers, then I think I will color a table to ground the items. This page will help me get closer to my goal of coloring at least one page in all of my coloring books in 2019. I will share with you the finished page that I shared last time later this week. I meant to post it Monday but that didn’t happen.

Also on my desk is my new collapsible water cup (It’s the green thing) for water coloring. I am loving it and it has a curvy top to rest my brush on.  You can see I still haven’t had time to play with the new distress oxide inks because they are still un-opened. I also still need to test out those new embossing folders from Park Lane and an old die I bought ages ago from WPlus9.

You can also see I took out my Brushos so I can play with them. The ephemera in the package is new and for use in my bullet journals. (I am a sucker for flowers.)

I hope you all are well and can’t wait to see what you are working on.



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