on my desk…
Hello, my fellow crafters. It is Wednesday and I come to you in a somber mood. As most of you may know, the United States is embroiled in yet another string of horrific deadly crimes committed by police officers against African Americans. Last week, The combination of the suffocating pandemic and the on-going systemic racism that prevails in this country has led to nationwide protests that we haven’t seen since the 1960s. I oscillate between finding joy in my everyday life and the feeling of being crushed with enormous emotions of sadness and anger. But rather than re-hash the gloom that is upon us, I will focus on my desk and the crafting that is giving me a wonderful way to ease the weight of my emotions.
For those of you that aren’t familiar with WOYWW (What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday), head on over to Julia’s Stamping Ground and you will find desks from all around the world where we get to snoop on other crafter’s desks.

On the left side of my desk, you can see the happy mail stamped up and ready to go to some friends. I have also begun to work some inventory for my shop (since one day I plan on re-opening it) and the colored up images need to be cut up and placed on cards. I also have some completed cards in the sleeve. The green stamps are some international stamps I bought for my son and I to resume our international post crossings.

On the right is the sleeves I keep blank card bases and believe it or not, after years of cardmaking I still have to write out conversion of the sizes so this system helps me a great deal. So I have begun cutting up more bases to add to the supply. Below it is the coloring book I chose to work on this week because I needed some stress relief.

Above the coloring book is a bunch of cards I started while back but our WOYWW challenge for our anniversary to work on UFOs has inspired me to complete them. I plan on working on them over the next few days.

Cleaning and organizing is a definite stress release for me so I had some cardstock in my travel bag for crops that needed to come out and be added to my drawer of paper.

My sweet son took this picture of me coloring at my desk yesterday. I didn’t take a picture of my newest purchase but I got some Stablio chalk pencils specifically to do backgrounds on my coloring pages and paper crafts. They create a beautiful soft look. It’s hard to see in the picture below but it looks like a real sky with some clouds. I am using my Prisma colors to color the butterflies. My good friends know that I love elephants, dragonflies, hummingbirds and butterflies. So this page of butterflies is bringing me so much joy. I will share the completed page.

I will leave you with a photo of my toes and nails on Sunday. Which I dedicate to Selfcare and Spiritual Sunday. I get up early so as not to be disturbed. I put all my nail tools and colors on the table in my living room. I do my pedi first and then I have these hand treatment gloves I place on my hand for 10 minutes that moisturizes them and then I paint my nails a different color every week. It’s little but it really makes my Sundays start off amazing. Then I read one of my spiritual books or watch a Super Soul Sunday.

I hope you all are well and stay safe. I will make my rounds over the course of the next few days to see what you are all up to.
We are just as furious about what happened here in the UK as well – it beggars belief that such a thing can happen in this day and age. I don’t know how to comfort you really but send you a hug – every person on this planet matters.
I love the photo of you colouring, you can tell that you’re relaxed doing it and the butterflies page is lovely. You are a very skilled colourist!
I love your mani pedi too, such pretty colours.
Hugs LLJ 5 xx
Hi Belinda. Loving the nails! Something I have never bothered with is to paint my finger and toe nails… lazy? Can’t be fussed? no idea. Loving the picture of you colouring at your desk – you have amazing hair. Well done on working at those cards to get them finished – and the coloured images right at the top are great.
I sat watching the news this morning in floods of tears for your nation. How sad that this has all erupted yet again. I pray for you personally with your family, that your hearts may be at peace in Jesus. I was speaking with my daughters earlier this afternoon and discovered that I wasn’t the only one in tears! They were too – for you all – seeing such hatred is so hard. Do take care of yourselves.
God bless you
Margaret #1
Hi Belinda, we too are shocked and saddened by what has happened. How on earth in this century can things like colour/race/religion or sexuality even matter? We should be better than that, unfortunately, as in anything, one bad apple is all it takes. We send love and hugs to you all. Love the pic of you colouring, and LOVE your hair! I’m a real long hair person, lol. Colouring is looking fab. Must admit, I have a ton of nail polish, but never use it now, I find, despite trying all sorts of products, it chips on me far too easily. Stay safe,Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #12 X
What a great picture of you! the news from the States is just awful, and you know who doesn’t seem to be helping matters much! I hope it all calms down soon. Take care and stay safe. Helen #3
Love the photo of you and your busy desk too. We are so lucky to have our crafts to take our minds off all the problems in the world even if it’s only for a short time. Wishing you a happy woyww and a great crafty week, Angela x15x
I am not surprised that you need extra stress relief after the outrageous events this week, including the horrendous treatment of peaceful protesters to provide hypocritical photo ops. Your Sunday nail routine sounds wonderful Belinda. Love the colouring page with the soft clouds behind the text. I splurged on some lovely new pencils last week as well (as you will see on my desk). Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4
I’m a stress sorter too! We had a good clear out of coloured pencils the other week and it inspired me to get my colouring books out but I still haven’t found the time. Johanna Basford has been doing some lovely tutorials every day on her Facebook page. I hope this coming week brings some peace and love and strength to you all. Lisa-Jane #17
Please please keep educating us in what we can do and say to help. The situation is awful as is the systemic nature of the racism. Love your colouring book, and lovely to see a photo of you. Happy Belated WOYWW. Stay safe and I hope you have a nice week. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#7)
Sorry I’m late Belinda! Just need first to say what a beautiful and calming picture that your son took of you, your hair is glorious and the Mani/Pedi routine is a very good one, if you invest a little time in you, its so much easier to give your time, huh. Racism is such a slur Belinda, and isn’t only endemic in the States, I’m often deeply ashamed by events here too. As I’m late to comment, I was watching BBC breakfast news this morning and I feel that actually, this time, more will come of the demonstrations than ever before, particularly in American sport. I also believe that Racism is bred into generations and sincerely hope that our generation has improved the situation for the next, but even that isn’t soon enough. It’s a double whammy for Women too isn’t it. As my daughter often reminds me, sadly if you dig back far enough, there’s an arrogant rich white man at the start of things. I think some mindful colouring is very much in order!
We are so sorry to hear what is going on in the USA at the moment, Belinda, and can understand your anguish. I am glad that your home, and your craft room, can be a lovely sanctuary for you and you can find some peace in the beauty of your creations. So lovely to see a picture of you! You look amazing. Your nails are beautiful too – I don’t bother to do mine because it always chips off straight away and looks a mess. Your colouring page is beautiful and I look forward to seeing it completed.
Take care of yourself, happy belated WOYWW and hugs,
Shoshi x #14