on my desk…
For those of you that aren’t familiar with WOYWW (What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday), head on over to Julia’s Stamping Ground and you will find desks from all around the world where we get to snoop on other crafter’s desks.

Hello, my friends! My desk is at the beginning stages of a project. I found a wonderful file on Silhouette to make paper daffodils. I am inspired by my blooms in my front yard. So I picked some paper this morning and began cutting them out.

There is something special to me about looking at the cut files, on the cutting mate. Even the negative space they leave behind makes me pause. I bought those three white vases you see on my desk from IKEA many years ago. They have been hanging around in my craft room ever since. So I decided I will put the daffodils in them once I assemble them.

As we are a few weeks out from my real escape into my outdoor gardening, I decided to look through my coloring book collection to find some spring images to color. These three coloring books made the cut.
Last Saturday, I joined some of my crafty friends on Zoom for a craft session. I thought I would be on for an hour and before I knew it 4 hours later we all signed off. It was really nice to craft and engage with friends. We plan on doing another session this Saturday. Perhaps it will be a regular occurrence. Below is the picture I colored with my Prismacolor pencils and of course I had to use a little bit of Nuvo drops as accents.

I would not call myself a stress eater before now. Let’s say I have indulged a little in the past but nothing like now. I find I am constantly in search of something. So naturally, the clothes are starting to stretch when I wear them. I decided to combat the bad habit by starting back up with regular strength training. I have always done it at home but lately, I had put it aside. I started on Monday and I have to say I am sore but feeling really good after I complete each workout.

This is the time of year I start to walk around my garden and look to see who will be joining me again of my plant family. Some casualties occur but most of the time I see them peeking out of the soil. My peonies are starting to peek out. That is them in the picture below.

My spring flowers in the front are in full bloom. They look amazing on cloudy days.

I love all the different varieties. They are the source of my paper flower inspiration. So I am going to try to use papers with similar colors.

I am not sure which one I like better the lighter colored ones or the ones below.

There are also a few hyacinths peeking out. I wish I had planted more because the contrast is fantastic.

Overall, we are all doing well. Some days run smoothly in our home and other days not as much but we are all adjusting. I finally took a ride in my car through the neighborhood with my husband. It was weird seeing people out walking with face masks. I found some in my laundry room that should last us for a while. After that, we will have to make some. I hadn’t left my house since March 16 so I have to say, the ride was great. We didn’t stop anywhere we just drove around. How are you holding up my friends?
Hi Belinda. Enjoy making your daffodils. I love them – have them in my garden too, although they are now over. My peonies are nearly 2feet high already, and won’t be long before the flowers appear. I have allsorts around the pond – another source of colour at this time of year – and right next o the pond there hangs the bird box which my youngest grandie made the other year. Today had been VETY busy, with bluetits in and out like crazy. I obviously have a little family!!
Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
Margaret #4
The daffodils are so pretty, look forward to seeing your paper ones in their vase when they are finished Belinda. Lovely colouring books too: very Spring like. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #5
They really are very beautiful, I wish I had daffs still in my garden, maybe something to think about for next year. Those colouring book look fab, they will surely pass away some creative hours. Take care & Happy WoywW this Easter Tracey #24 x
Hi Belinda, lots of fab photos of your garden. The daffs are great, I mainly plant the miniature ones, as I find too many of the taller ones get blown over in high winds. Love the colouring books, and your page came out fabulous. Have a great week, Stay safe, Hugs, Shaz #10 X
How lovely to see all your daffodils, both real and paper! They’re beautiful and I can understand why you love them! I’m trying not to eat too much either but it’s proving hard so well done for taking up the exercise again.
Hugs LLJ 6 xx
Loving all the daffodils! I’ve been snacking less until the last couple of days (rationing lol1) but figured, what the heck…. Your zoom crafting sessions sounds great fun. helen #1
Daffs have a special place in my heart so I look forward to seeing yours in those lovely white vases. I always feel happy when I see them in the garden but for some reason the 50 or so I planted when I first moved in do not come up, I have some but not all that were planted those years ago.
OOh, Zoom, is it difficult to use? I quite fancy having a go with some friends of mine – thought if I tried it out with a few I could maybe do a class for my local craft club later.
Was interested to read about your pregnant neighbour – have they no sense at all? There are so many people who I have got infuriated with having seen their behaviour on social media or on tv. I decided that anyone not obeying the “rules” (not the right word but I am sure you follow my meaning) should be named and shamed! I know not everyone will agree as I will be going against Human Rights but are they not doing that by not following what we have been told to do? Sorry, but it annoys me as I think it does you.
Stay safe and well through all of this
Hugs, Neet 2 xx
Great pictures on the blog today and I love your daffodils. We broke out the coloring books for tonight – thanks for the inspiration. Take care. Dorlene #33
Do show us the flowers when they are in the vases. I love your garden – so pretty. Wow four hours on zoom – sounds like you had a good time 0 was it easy to set up?
Hi Belinda. Gorgeous photos of your garden and making your paper flowers, you must let us see them.. The colouring book looks like fun too. Take care and wishing you a happy belated WOYWW, Angela x15x
My childhood was filled with different varieties of Daffodils and I absolutely love them – thanks for sharing them.
Take care and stay safe my friend. Happy Belated WOYWW. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#20)
My daffodils are finished now, no contest for me, I love the bright, darker coloured ones! you’re right about the hyacinths making such a contrast, they are lovely aren’t they. I’ve done a lot of gardening, I can’t go without fresh air everyday so it’s good timing for me…I don’t really enjoy it but I like the garden to be tidy, and this spring is warm and bright, so the lockdown has encouraged me! I love the idea of the card daffodils in those three vases, very pretty and such a nice greeting when you step into the room! I understand about four hours on Zoom passing by…I did it last night with some girlfriends and it wasn’t a half hour chat!!
Your daffodils in the making look really fun, Belinda! I love making flowers from cut files too. Your real daffodils and other spring flowers make a lovely show – thank you for the lovely garden photos. It’s always nice to share a different view in these days of lockdown, so that people can have a change of scene, if only a virtual one! Your colouring books are just gorgeous… Love the elephant!
Stay safe and well, and happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #17