Hello, everyone! I hope you are all well today. I have planted my butt in this chair to get some work completed today but first I wanted to check in with you.
Last week was a fun week for me. I coordinated my schedule with my husband so that I could spend a day and early evening hanging out with my crafty girlfriends. I call them that because if you saw the beautiful stuff they create, you would agree the name is quite fitting. So Leao picked up the boys from school and heated dinner for the boys while I caught up with my friends. Somehow, I have allowed way too much time to pass since I last spent time with them. However, moving forward, I would like to get to make it happen more often. Time is too short to skip out on great friends. I always am so happy about how wonderful I feel after a day with my girlfriends. It’s good therapy!! While out with them I purchased the lovely cart for my craft room. It was 50% off so it was quite less than I paid for my IKEA cart I bought a few years back. I needed another one and this is perfect. It holds my Copics at a lovely height that I can roll right up to my desk and color away. I also have some of my business journals that hold product ideas. I also put some of my genealogy resources in there and a storage for recent cards that I create. Love it! It makes me smile when I walk in the room. Yes, I am that geeky!!
While out with them I purchased the lovely cart you see above for my craft room. It was 50% off so it was quite less than I paid for my IKEA cart I bought a few years back. So I was really pleased with this purchase. I needed another one and this is perfect. It holds my Copics at a lovely height that I can roll right up to my desk and color away. I also have some of my business journals that hold product ideas as well as some of my genealogy resources. I put one of my card storage on the bottom shelf to hold the recent cards I have created. Love it! It makes me smile when I walk in the room. Yes, I am that geeky!!
This weekend was date night for Leao and I. We somehow fell off our schedule over winter and are now getting back into the swing of things. We brought the boys to spend the weekend with their grandparents and Leao took me to Sculler’s Jazz Club to go see Ravi Coltrane Quartet perform. For those of you who are familiar with Jazz you will recognize the name. He is the son of the great jazz musician John Coltrane! I have so much of his father’s music, I couldn’t pass up a chance to acquaint myself with his son’s music. It did not disappoint. We first had dinner and then went to the club to watch the performance. It was really fantastic.
We woke on Sunday and went for a nice walk on the track and then headed to one of our favorite breakfast spots to eat all the calories we just burned and then some. It was quite yummy. It’s just so much fun to have time for just the two of us. We always appreciate it because we don’t do it as often as in the past. So we are always grateful for the time.
I also picked up another book to read last week. My reading was slower last week because I was out in my yard dethatching and weeding. But this week, I plan on playing some catch-up.
Oh and Saturday was National Free Comic Book day and as usual, the boys and I hit up some comic book stores for some freebies. Nick was thrilled and even had an artist at one store, draw one of his favorite characters. It was fun and Nick scored on some great sales to add more to his collections.
Well, I need to get back to work but I hope you have a blessed day!