What’s on Your Workdesk Wednesday – #465

Good morning my crafty WOYWW friends! For those of you that aren’t familiar with WOYWW (What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday),  head on over to Julia’s Stamping Ground and you will find desks from all around the world for What’s on Your Workdesk Wednesday.

I have been gone for a bit but thought since I was actually working at my desk this week, I might have something to share. This morning I have pulled out my Derwent Inktense colored pencils to play.  I haven’t used them in over a year and lately, I have been enjoying coloring in adult coloring books with my Prismacolor pencils. I also saw someone online using them and felt inspired to get mine out. I am not ready to use them in my coloring books for a couple reasons. One is that the paper is thinner on many of them and I don’t want it to warp and two is I don’t feel like I have enough experience to confidently use them in my books. So I remembered I had bought come postcard coloring books and the paper is perfect for the wet medium.

First thing I did was create a little swatch on a scrap paper (postcard I didn’t like much) to see how the colors looked once activated.  The way these marvelous pencils work is you can color with them like a normal colored pencil but when you add water (activate) they can blend and move on the paper like watercolors and the color pops. The color before activation is totally different.

So I am using my water brush and a paper towel to dab off excess.  I hope to finish this one this morning so I can use it to send to a friend later this week.

The other items on my desk are my One Little Word book that I am using to scrapbook the integration of my chosen word for the year (trust). I receive monthly prompts to work on creative projects to include in this album. I didn’t do April’s prompt but will try to do it alongside this month’s tasks.

You can also see my new Ember tea mug. It is my new best friend! It keeps my tea the perfect temperature. The only thing is that I have to remember to turn it off after I finish a cup to conserve the charge. But it is wonderful for me because I am always running around to do something and I end up visiting my microwave for an embarrassing amount of times! There are also some cute notecards I picked up at the dollar bin from Target. Also a really lovely soy candle I bought at Target too called, “Paradise Palm”.

I can’t wait to see what you ladies are creating on your desks. I will be spending today outside as the temperatures are suppose to reach the 80s so don’t worry if I don’t make it to your desks today. I will make time to visit your desks over the next few days!

Have a crafty day!


30-Day Coloring Challenge: Day 16 – Day 22

challenge_graphic-4-revisedHello Everyone! I am still loving this challenge. I went away last Thursday and the internet access was spotty so I only managed to post one update via my Instagram. So I decided now that I am home, I can share what coloring I have been doing for the past 5 days.

I have yet to recap and post a blog on my weekend away but I will soon. During that time I spent four days with some of the most creative women I know up in the mountains in Jackson New Hampshire at a cozy Inn.

110On Day 16, I wanted to explore water coloring. Despite my nice accumulation of watercolor products, I hadn’t even cracked the seal on most.  My latest purchase was a set of 24 Derwent Inktense Watercolor pencils. So on my first day up in Jackson, I opened them up and started playing. The first thing I would say is that they are very neat and no worry of cross contaminating the water brush I used with them. What drew me to them in the first place was the vibrant colors. Typically water coloring is very muted, mostly pastel in color. But you can achieve vibrant colors if you choose to work with these pencils.


On Day 17, I returned to my Copics and colored up a Saturated Canary image with some new copic colors that I recently purchased. She is so pretty and girly and I love everything about this image.






On Day 18, I played with watercolor again (round 2) and the butterflies didn’t come out how I would like the first time around but will continue to work on it. I also made some pretty cards with the flowers I water colored. I can’t wait to try them with my Copics. It’s fun seeing the different results. I want to offer some water colored products soon so this play time is with the intention of gaining some skills.

On Day 19 was off to shop with Ashley and travel home! Yup, no coloring.

On Day 20 was my first day back home in my craft room. I needed to begin the process which takes me a while to put all my craft supplies back from my trip. I wish I could say I finished putting everything away but that is a lie and my family might call me on it, since they see my craft room everyday. But I am sure everything will return to it’s proper place soon.


On Day 21, I only had 5 minutes between errands and appointments and catching up on work. So I began coloring up an old digital file from Mo Manning. I used her last Easter and will do it again. She and the bunny are just so cute, I can’t help but say awww every time I see this image. Mo is one of my favorite digital designers by far.

On Day 22, One again, nothing. Homework with the boys and work for me. So not coloring.

I am really trying to stick to this challenge. It is difficult on some days and others, very easy, but I am sticking with it. I do find posting it on my blog takes a lot more time so in the future I think I will continue my updates  on my Instagram account. Thanks for hanging in there with me.

Happy crafting!



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