Hello everyone! Happy Monday! This morning I had to drop off my oldest for his first day at his new school. Despite all of my efforts, as soon as he began walking from the car, I began to cry. I wish for him a wonderful first day. I know he will be fine but that mommy instinct that wants to protect him from all the mishaps that can take place on a first day is on high alert. So I will just have to hear from him how it went.
In the meantime, as you know, once the boys are in school, I do some of my work at the Barnes and Noble cafe once a week. So today, I have a special work guest…Apollo! He doesn’t begin school until next Wednesday and he loves himself some Chai and scones. So convincing him wasn’t necessary. He packed his backpack last night. He is working on coding while I work on some blog content and production planning.
We have a little bet to see who can make their Chai last until 10am. So far, we are hanging in there. But it’s not easy! I always gulp down iced Chai but that’s my summer drink until Fall returns then I order hot Chai.Apollo is working on some coding. We just came up with an idea of a random puns machine based on some puns we heard on the radio in the car on our way here. So that will be a fun application of the skills he has acquired to date. He has taken a strong interest and has been self teaching himself daily. It has been amazing to watch ho fast his skills have advanced.
Well I am off to continue more work, have a blessed day my friends!
Have a wonderful day and I hope Nicholas’ first day is successful!
It was great! The teachers gave out their syllabus and the list of supplies for each class. Leao and I took him to Walmart and Target to get his supplies and we picked up Apollo’s too. Today, will be the real deal – homework!!
The first day of a new school year is always bitter sweet. Nicholas will do great! Enjoy these last few days with Apollo. Hugs!
Apollo and I are like a well oiled machine. Yesterday he helped me with grocery shopping and today we had to run a few errands before starting work. I need to find ways to spend more individual time with each of them. It’s precious.