Archives for October 1, 2018

Happy Monday Happenings!

Hello and happy first day of October! It sure is cloudy outside my window. Rain is in the forecast for this afternoon so I ran out and took a picture of one of my giant Dahlias. Isn’t it so pretty? I love how this one looks like it has lighting inside. I am definitely going to use this photo of the flower for inspiration when I color up a dahlia image.

Had a great weekend. My oldest turned 15 this weekend and I truly can’t believe it’s that long ago I was pregnant with him. Where ever does the time go? We took him out to dinner to a restaurant of his choice and then on Sunday, we went to celebrate with his grandparents.

I received a bunch of new craaft products last week so I spent a little time on Sunday testing them out. I will write some posts and show you what craftiness I have been up to. I also spent time reading and finished another book so I need to gather my thoughts so I can write a review.

Well, I am going to let you get to your day and get some work completed myself.

Have a wonderful day!



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