Archives for October 17, 2018

What’s on Your Workdesk Wednesday – #489

Good morning my crafty WOYWW friends! For those of you that aren’t familiar with WOYWW (What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday), head on over to Julia’s Stamping Ground and you will find desks from all around the world for What’s on Your Workdesk Wednesday where we get to snoop on other crafter’s desks.

Hello, hello, hello! Today both my boys have half days so I can’t babble on as usual.  On my desk, you see my newest bullet journal. I am using this one as my new book journal. I really like this brand for a journal and thought it would be nice to have all of my journals from the same brand. That way they will look nice and uniform on my shelf. I chose a pretty pink one for this one.

I have my color pencils out because I am doing a two-page spread for Non-fiction November which is a Booktube challenge to promote more non-fiction reading. I found great inspiration for a visual display in book journals on Pinterest. So I created a bookshelf and placed books on the shelves I then added titles to the books that I can use as options to read during the month of November for the challenge.  I realize after I started writing in titles that I included some fiction books from my TBR. So I think I will go back and leave only non-fiction titles.  I am a slow reader and November is a holiday month so I will not get to all of these books so, after November, I  will just use it as a Non-fiction TBR list. I used some cute plant stickers I had bought a while back from Target to add interest to the shelves. I also think I will add the year to the page. As I read the books, I think I will color them in for more visual motivation.

On the top right, you can also see some blue acrylic paint I have from another coloring page. It’s laying out to dry but hopefully, I can share it with you when I am complete. On the left, under my pencil case you can see a card I made a while back and some new phrase die-cuts I bought. I decided to cut out a bunch so that they are ready for use on projects instead of having to pull out my Cuttlebug to cut them each time.

Well, I need to run but I hope you all are having a wonderful day with at least a dash of crafty time!



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