Archives for January 2018

Happy Monday!

Hello, my friends! Last week flew by and I feel like we haven’t chatted enough so here I am to catch up with you. Last night I watched the Grammys. Yup, I’m one of the millions that enjoy watching the performances, oogling over the pretty dresses and seeing who walks away with a win. I used to stay up to the end but I knew if I did, today would be brutal so I watched for a while and taped the rest. I wish they had an award show for authors and illustrators. But that is the bookworm talking.

On Saturday, I spent the day with my crafty girlfriends and I played around with my new Zig watercolor markers. I think coming from the control I have with Copics, I have to let go a bit and enjoy the occasional randomness in the colors. I will check out more videos to see what kind of pointers I can glean from them. I had great fun and as I always say, it’s the best therapy to take time to craft with friends. We had food, music, wonderful conversation and free time to play.

I spent Sunday, playing Xbox with the boys and watching some of our older movies from our collection. I made it a point to not do anything and hang out with them. Then we watched some of the Grammys together.

Today, the weather is quite gloomy and a little snow is on the way later but I had made a decision last Monday that I would dedicate Mondays to me. So not only have I been doing my Meatless Mondays for months now, I have decided to take the day off from work and pamper me. So that might mean, out and browsing some pretty clothes, roaming in new bookstore, curling up with my blanket, book and a cup of tea and reading, taking a long bath, taking a nap or it might be having lunch with a friend anything that is relaxing. I won’t do laundry or any sort of cleaning (a bad habit of people that work from home). So today I am relaxing on the couch trying to finish up some books I started this month.  Some books are from my reading challenge and others just because. After I pick up the boys, I will drop a load of clothes in the wash and pick up a bit. But no work today. Just my Me Monday happening here today.

So here’s to pampering oneself! Have a great day!


Happy Monday!

Hello Everyone! Are you ready for a new week? It’s Monday and although it is gray outside with a light drizzle, I am in happy spirits over the Patriot’s win yesterday. It was a real nail-biter for sure. But they managed to secure a win to head to the Superbowl.

I can’t believe January is rolling by so quickly but it has been a good month and the forecast for the next seven days predicts mostly mild temps for this time of year.  I’ll take it.

I managed to stop by the comic book store with my son this weekend and pick up a few more comics to help me with my reading challenge. The great thing is that Newbury Comics where we buy most of our comics, has a dollar section and I have found great selections to choose from without spending a lot.  At the end of the month, I will share with you the four comics I read.

I also wanted to share with you some new products that have caught my eyes (not my wallet … yet!) – click on the image to see more details:

Carta Bella Paper - Flora No 2 Collection - 12 x 12 Collection Kit

Carta Bella Paper – Flora No 2 Collection – 12 x 12 Collection


I am loving the color combination, floral patterns and the lovely sayings on their ephemera.

Pebbles - TeaLightful Collection - Ephemera

Pebbles – TeaLightful Collection – Ephemera

Oh boy, I can’t tell you how much I love this tea inspired ephemera from Pebbles. You all know how much I love tea and often products only represent coffee. so this one has to be owned by me for sure. Look at the cute teacup.

We R Memory Keepers - Dial Trimmer

We R Memory Keepers – Dial Trimmer

I’m sort of a We R Memory Keepers tool collector. I love their tools and this one sounds fantastic. You use one cutter and can create a multitude of decorative edges. Hmmm. might have to add this one to my stash.

Well, I am off to get some work completed for the day but I hope you have a blessed day!


Friday’s Flowers: Evening Primrose

Flowers are a love of mine and I was thinking about them over the holidays. Throughout the spring and summer, I frequently share photos from around my garden of my lovely flowers. During the winter months, I wait for my indoor flowering which occurs in a very short period of time. I have quite a few and a Christmas cactuses and several orchids. Then when they are done showing off, I buy cut flowers and vase them throughout my home.So I got to thinking and I thought of a new series I would like to share with you called Friday’s Flowers where I will use my trusty Silhouette and cut out and make paper flowers. I will aim to post these at least two Fridays a month and best case, every Friday.So our first beauty is called an Evening Primrose. I first bought a primrose over 11 years ago. I was shopping with my mother and I saw it’s vibrant colors and the rough foliage and fell for them. I was happy to hear that they were one of the first flowers to bloom in the winter. Because that is the time of year, that I start to get anxious for the heat to return so my flowers will come back. I placed some in my tree ring in my side-yard and they did come up as planned but I just didn’t think they were good for that location aesthetically. So I pulled them out. I never bought more but still find them pretty to look at.This cut file is for the yellow variety but I really liked the rare blue evening primrose. The contrast is amazing.  I tried to recreate the colors with my cardstock and Silhouette.Now that I look at this image from the internet, I think I will chalk the edges of the petals to create even more of a likeness.

I hope you like this new series. I know I had fun making this first flower.

Have a blessed weekend!


Another 2018 Reading Challenge: 52 Comics

Well if you visited recently you might have heard about the Literary Around the World Challenge that I am participating in for 2018 to take my reading adventures around the globe. I have decided to add one more challenge. (For someone who doesn’t like the stress that most often occurs from challenges, I sure am soaking them up at the start of this year!) I found the idea from Book Riot but it aligns so nicely with my desire to connect more with my oldest son. He enjoys reading comics and each summer for the past few years we even go to the annual Comic-Con. So I decided I will read one comic a week for the year. It doesn’t sound too hard. So I will post updates monthly of the comics I select to read.

Here is a peek at my first comic I read last week is a comic I bought at the most recent Comic-con from the author and illustrator. I even got their signature. I will be back later this month to share more about this comic and the other three comics I select.

Happy reading!



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