Archives for January 2015

Belinda’s Book Nook: Top Ten Favorite Places to Read

This week the Broke and the Bookish left this a free week to pick your own topic for Top Ten Tuesday so I chose to share my top ten places I like to read.

1. My Deck – I love our fully screened deck on our home. I use it for three seasons. The winter is too cold so we just use it to cover and store our deck furniture. But the spring and summer you will find me there morning and most afternoons in my chair with a book. I love being surrounded by my plants and all the birds that visit my feeders.  It’s my piece of paradise.

2. My Reading Nook – I put this huge red cushy chair in my craftroom nestled right inside three windows so when it is sunny, the sun warms my shoulders. Just love it especially during the winter. I also love being surrounded by beautiful white snow in the windows while I read during the winter.

3. My Couch – We have an L-shape couch and I like sitting closest to the window in early afternoon when the sun comes through the window (do you see a pattern here?). I grab a blanket and prop a bunch of pillows and of course a cup of tea is close at hand.

4. Barnes & Noble Cafe – I like being surrounded by books and let’s face it, Chai tea and fresh scones, this is a no-brainer location to read. I always do a walk through the shelves after I finish reading to go hold some books and peek at what’s new and on sale.

5. My Bed – Most nights I read before I go to sleep. I love being under all my blankies and falling into a good story. I used to read in bed on the weekend mornings but now I meditate and exercise in the morning so I only read at night in bed.

6. The Beach – I love the water but let’s face it I can only stay in there so long and then I’m heading for my beach chair and umbrella so I can read.  Love digging my toes in the sand while I dive into my book. And listening to the water rolling in seals the deal.

7. In My Car (at pick up) – I intentionally go early to pick up for two reasons: One I like to get a good spot. I do not like to arrive later and have to drive around and find a spot. Second because it is guaranteed time for me to squeeze in reading. So I go 40 minutes early and have some me time to read.

8. Our Guest Room – On some weekend mornings, I will sneak into our guest room and lay on the bed and read my book. It receives amazing sunlight and it gets really warm and toasty.

9. In Airplanes – This is the way I pass time on a flight and sometimes even get a little nap out of it. I also like to peek and see what other’s are reading.  I can’t imagine a flight without a book.

10. The Inn at Jackson (annual girls weekend getaway) – Each year, I go away for 4 days with my girlfriends’ to a lovely inn in Jackson, New Hampshire. I have reserved the same room for a few years now and I just love it. It’s got a great fireplace near the foot of the bed. So I jump out of the bed quickly turn on the timer and sink back in bed for an amazing read.

Well that’s my Top Ten for today. Hope you all find time to snuggle up with a good book!


Belinda’s Book Nook: Free Sujata Massey e-book for 2 Days only

Hello! I just found out that one of Sujata Massey’s e-books is on sale for two days only.

I love finding a good deal on books and free is as good as it gets. So when I found out I thought I would share it with you.

Convenience Boy and Other Stories of Japan (Rei Shimura Series) by Sujata Massey

A collection of Rei Shimura stories previously published in paper form by Sujata Massey. In this mini-book, Rei Shimura solves 3 very different mysteries. The title story, “The Convenience Boy,” tests Japanese romantic rituals in an unexpectedly humorous way. “Junior High Samurai” sends Rei back to her teaching roots as she becomes entwined in a bullying incident. “The Deepest Blue” is a poignant exploration of the conflict between family love and ambition. This 50-page trilogy is a must for anyone who wants everything related to Rei Shimura.

You can download it for free today and tomorrow at amazon here.

I hope you had a blessed MLK day today!

Happy Reading!


Happy Martin Luther King Jr. day!

Hello Everyone! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. We have a long weekend here with the celebration of Martin Luther King day here. So it has been nice having more time to play, relax and regroup.  I spent some time reading and yesterday, a grocery run to three different grocery stores (yes, I have issues) to get the week’s food. I used to plan whole weeks ahead for our meals and then shop one day with no stress for the rest of the week. But somewhere during the holidays, it fell apart.  So I am feeling positive about this week. More time for family.

Today I am planning on sprinkling in some fun education and activities to celebrate Martin Luther King’s birthday. First thing I will do is remind them is that his actual birthday is January 15th. Then we might read a book on The March on Washington that I think I saw Apollo take out from the library on Friday. A little craft would be great and I have recorded a show from PBS on The March on Washington so we could watch that. Then we can talk about it and also the similarities and differences between the book presentation and the television. I want to know what they know from school and then take them further.

So let’s see how far I can get through the activities I plan for them today.

Hope you all have a blessed day and have time to reflect on a very special man named Martin Luther King Jr. today.


One Little Word 2015

Good morning! I hope you all are well this sunny morning. It’s sunny here with a little drop of snow on the ground.

I have been participating in the One Little Word class with Ali Edwards for several years now. Each year, I have chosen a word fairly easy. Last year, I chose Listen. I have learned that you never are really finished with the word at the end of the year, you just incorporate it with you life and move to the next. So although I still feel Listen is a great word and there is always more to be done, I think I need to move to a new word for 2015.

This year, I began seeking my word in November.  I went through many words but none seemed to resonate. Then the pressure built when Ali announced her word, ‘give’. I liked it because the past few months I had been moving towards establishing more charitable work and giving in my life.  But again, something didn’t quite connect. Then I looked at the word ‘engage’ and while exploring the definition and synonyms, I  saw the word ‘connect‘ and everything fell into place and my word for 2015 was selected.

I am excited by the possibility of how the word  Connect might change my life.

When I think of connect I think of:

Connecting to family – Over the years, I have allowed too much distance with my family and extended family. Technology which is wonderful has taken over my family and I hope to find more ways to connect with Leao and the boys without technology. I would also like to find ways to connect with extended family that don’t live so close on a regular basis.

Connect to friends – I want to find more meaningful opportunities to connect with new and old friends and not just texting!

Find the connection to all beings – I want to use my spiritual beliefs and my continued research on poverty and humanities other struggles, to connect to those in need through compassion, understanding and giving.

Connect to my fitness – Continue on my path to well being through regular exercise and healthy eating.

Connect to my customers – I want to find ways to connect with more customers via my Etsy shop and offline sales opportunities.

So for the class each month Ali provides some things to do (sometimes crafty sometimes journaling) to help us keep our words present in our lives. So I will share some of the these activities as I work through them.  This will be a big help because each year I start fairly well then somehow life and priorities shift and I let go of my promise. This year, I hope to push myself through the entire experience.  Because I do believe in the process I know that pushing through with my word will create new possibilities in my life. So now you can have a front seat while I work through this process.

What’s your word for 2015?



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