on my desk…
Hello, my crafty friends! It’s Wednesday and I am am a bit late but you know what time it is. Time to snoop. For those of you that aren’t familiar with WOYWW (What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday), head on over to Julia’s Stamping Ground and you will find desks from all around the world where we get to snoop on other crafter’s desks.

My desk is messy because I left it after my last session and I have decided to work out on my deck today so it’s rather cluttered. I don’t remember if I talked to you about my renewed interest in scrapbooking. I decided to work on 2 big 12 x 12 albums, one on our trips to Hawaii and the other our trips to Martha’s Vineyard. I was surprised how hard page protectors are to come by now. I think the pandemic has restarted a lot of people’s interest to scrapbook. So I bought an aqua album since it makes me think of the sea. I loaded all of the page protectors I bought into the album. It will be easier to store them in there for easy access to use them.

Let’s face it, I have a lot of patterned paper but I thought a new paper collection would keep me interested so I found that Simple Stories has a new line that works perfectly for both albums. The colors are so gorgeous. I am fighting that hoarder voice that is trying to resurface to compel me to “save” them. Nope, I am going to use as much of this paper and embellishments as possible.

I had to buy the 6×6 paper pack because the 12×12 was out of stock. But I think it will be fine since I am working in page protectors with pockets. The washi tape was so pretty too. I also snagged another line that matched the theme and color quite lovely.

I searched the Silhouette design store for cutfiles that might go with the them and found several. I cut out two of them to see how they look. I am going to store the print out of all of these cutfiles with the paper packs so I have everything in one container for easy access.

I thought I would share a collage of photos taken in my garden this week. Flowers are blooming rather nicely. Lots of colors this year. The gazing ball has a lot of sentimental value since my mother bought it for me many years ago. I am so happy we have been able to keep it without it breaking. It contrasts nicely in the garden.

A peek into my veggie garden reveals some cool stuff. The broccoli is growing. I have not had success in the past so fingers crossed. I never grow strawberries for fear the squirrel may eat them. But this year, I decided to try. I also added canteloup to my garden this year. Let’s see what happens.

Yesterday was my birthday and I decided to take a picture of me on my birthday with my gray hairs exposed during a pandemic. I have to learn to be more comfortable with them at least while I can’t go to the salon.

I spent my morning binge watching a TV show called, “Community” on Netflix with my youngest son, my husband bought yummy sushi for lunch on the deck and then I spent much of the day reading my books on my deck. I didn’t wash a dish, fold clothes or tidy anything for the whole day. I milked it for all it was worth. I had a lovely conversation with two of my sisters and my dear friend that lives in California. It was a really lovely day and our new stove was delivered on my birthday. Not planned, and nope, it is not a birthday gift. I continue to remind my husband that appliances are not birthday or anniversary gifts. So the coincidence of the date of it’s arrival does not change that fact. Hee hee.. I am so excited to use it. We owned our last stove for 15 years. I hope this one will last that long.

I hope you all have a blessed day and stay well. Now it is time for me to grab a cup of tea and begin my snooping!
Hi Belinda. How about that? A cooker delivered on your birthday – but definitely NOT a birthday gift! Hope it works just great. Your sushi looks great – your family spoiled you rotten, as they say. Sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate. The garden is looking lovely. Honeysuckle already out! I don’t think mine is yet – but then I haven’t looked in that part of the garden for a few days. Enjoy the scrapbooking. BTW – I couldn’t see any grey showing through. I don’t colour my hair – a bit of a difficult job when you are a redhead! – but I most definitely have a few badger’s stripes in it now! I’m pretty thrilled to have got this far in age before it got too silver, though. My grandmother, who was also a redhead, was silver by the time she was 30!
Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
Margaret #3
Happy birthday! sometimes new papers are just what you need! My hair is in dire need of attention too, it gets (has got) so very very thick ad as for the colour…. well I never saw the grey before! Helen #2
Happy belated birthday to you.
Don’t worry about your hair, I look like Worzel gummidge haha.
Have a good week and stay safe
Lynn x 14
Happy belated birthday!
Sounds like you had a wonderful day even if the cook stove (work!) arrived on your day! LOL!
Your hair looks great! I just got mine cut, tried someone new, and may try to get in to see my preferred guy. Ugh.
Best wishes with the garden. Ours is getting baked from the heat.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!
Yes, Happy Birthday!
Your flower garden is beautiful! I do not have much of a green thumb, but I do appreciate the talents of those who do.
The sushi looks wonderful! What a delightful way to spend the day, birthday or not!
Our neighbor, when newlyweds, told my husband, “never give your wife a birthday present with a handle or an on/off switch! Sage advice!
Stay Safe
Happy Wednesday!
Kathryn Frantz #33
Belated happy birthday Belinda sounds like you had a great day. Your garden is looking great. Good luck with the broccoli strawberries and cantaloupes. I hope you manage to get some more page protectors for your scrapbooks. The papers and embellishments look fab. I have a complete head of grey hair now but at least it is evenly coloured so I have never bothered colouring it. The length is starting to bother me, I may end up taking the clippers to it if I can find them lol. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #8
I’m so happy that you are returning to scrapbooking! In the UK we can’t get albums for love nor money at the moment because everyone is busy filing their piles of layouts or taking up the hobby again. That Simple Stories collection is a lovely one and perfect for your two projects. I like the idea of printing out the cut file info – did you do that from your order confirmation that they e-mail to you?
Happy belated birthday!
I know just where you are going with the should I use or should I save the paper…
Lovely photos.
Happy Crafting!
Susan #39
HiBelinda, and Happy Birthday! Thats a lovely picture of you, and honestly, can’t see a grey hair- you should see mine! I smiled at you wanting to ‘save’ beautiful papers, I have quite a stack- not a scrapbooker, for cards- and some of them I’ve had years because I’ve been saving them for ‘a special project’, lol. Keep trying to remind myself I need to use them. Smiling also at the cooker, it does look fabulous, and reminded me of a previous work colleague who bought his wife a new set of saucepans and an Iron one Christmas, and couldn’t for the life of him figure out why she wasn’t speaking to him! Stay safe, have a good week, Hugs, Shaz #16 X
Hi Belinda. Here I am on catch-up again! We’ve had a busy week with my mum and I’d had enough yesterday so I’m finishing off my visits today. Loving the new papers, gorgeous. Have a great week and a happy belated woyww, Angela x20x
Sorry I’m late. So much the better to have time to enjoy your garden, it looks lovely. You must be very pleased with it! How lovely to be able to grow cantaloupes, I hope they are a triumph! and many happy returns Belinda, so glad to read that you had a full day of no chores, it’s important to set that one day apart, huh! You know want Miss Belinda, you’re gorgeous and a few grey hairs don’t change that, after all, they are a part of your story. What a fab photo. And as for the new cooker….it’s bigger than my old kitchen!! How fab. Your birthday was a good day to get the delivery, only because you will know the age of the guarantee – appliances are not gifts and I think (famous last words) that my lovely husband has taken that on board……..he’s even stopped making jokes about buying practical birthday gifts now!
I’m late this week but I’m so glad I decided to peek this weekend. Your Hawaiian goodies are so pretty. What a fun album it will be! Your birthday sounds wonderful…happy birthday! Dorlene #32
Hi Belinda! Happy belated birthday! What a lovely birthday you had, the sushi lunch looks awesome! And I don’t see any grey hairs…Sorry for the late visit, its been a hectic week. Thank you for your healing wishes for my hubby, he’s going through painful rehab now! Lindart #36