Happy Monday!! Time to Say Goodbye to A New Friend.

pool5Hello Everyone and Happy Monday! It is time to say goodbye to our new friend – our first pool. I grew up on the Cape so I am a beach person. I like swimming in the ocean and relaxing in the sand. So for years now, I have fought the battle to get a pool. This summer, I told Leao I didn’t think it would be worth it, the boys probably wouldn’t want it and more importantly wouldn’t use it! Boy was I wrong. I asked them and they said yes. So I began researching options. I didn’t want to invest into anything too expensive so I could test the waters (no pun intended). I found this great one on Amazon on sale for half off and ordered it. The UPS delivered it right to our rear driveway so setup was faster.pool2Apollo had a pool party with movie night and had a blast. The boys used it often this summer and I was surprised how much I enjoyed taking dips in it.pool4On the hot days, I had to admit it was rather convenient. It’s not the same as the beach but a great option for the boys and their friends when they come visit. So next year, we just might prepare the spot for a more permanent pool and scale larger.pool3All this said, it is time to close this pool for the season and I am sad to see it go because I loved hearing the laughter it generated from my backyard this summer. It’s become and old friend. Apollo wants to take a few more dips so we will probably end up closing it at the end of this week. I laugh when I think of how wrong I was and happy that I finally opened to the possibilities that led to my family’s summer joy.pool1Well I have to go suit up so I can take my last dip with Apollo today.

Have a blessed day!!


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