Hello and happy Monday! I hope you all had a great week last week. Last week was our spring break so we did a few activities close to home and it was wonderful. I’m always a little sad to see them go back to school. I like having my boys near me but I have so many projects to do this spring that I need the time to work on them without interruptions.
Above is my first infused water of the season. I need to up my game with water intake and this makes a major difference for me. This one contains lemon, basil, and strawberries in it. It’s pure yum! I am also back in the gym starting today with more vigor because I have about 2 months before our family vacations begin and this one wants to fit into some shorts! Wish me luck!
I think I’ve already mentioned I have started playing in my garden in an attempt to prep for spring plantings. I will be starting my seeds indoors tomorrow. I feel like I am a little late on this because I couldn’t locate my mini indoor greenhouse. But Leao found it yesterday so I just need to get some soil and some popsicle sticks for markers. I am also trying to get my mason to come by and repair some walls that are damaged. It is normal “wear and tear’ but needs to happen sooner rather than later.
In my literature adventures, I have some great reads that I need to sit down and complete. I have some announcements about a new initiative with regard to my reading journey so stay tuned in Belinda’s Book Nook for an announcement.
My family history research. As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve also really geared up my genealogy research and education over the past few months in preparation to finally start an Ancestry.com membership. This is such a rewarding project and I consider myself a newbie when it comes to genealogy work. Hence, why I have been watching a lot of YouTube videos and even purchased a few reference material. Something about this work really fascinates me and I am so happy I am finally committing real time to do it on a regular basis.
Product Development. I also have a long list of ideas that I want to try out for new products for Belinda’s Crafts that I somehow have been neglecting. One of my latest endeavors is to learn brush lettering. I would really like to learn how to do it. Recently, I have begun to do the foundation research of all the materials that I need to buy and the resources to begin learning how to brush letter. I have to admit I’m truly intimidated but I’m up for the challenge. It would be a great asset for some of my products as well as for my personal projects. I have numerous craft projects that have been neglected and I will be setting aside time to re-establish some new deadlines. This time of year, my work schedule has to incorporate my gardening so lot’s of careful planning has to occur on my part or it becomes one hot mess.
The weather is supposed to be great today so I’m going go help Leao put prepare the lawn and put down grass seeds. If time allows I will also work in my deck flower garden and amend the soil in preparation for plantings.
The sun is shining and I am ready for a great day. Have a blessed one!
Your seeds aren’t late! End of April is good. They’ll grow fast and you don’t want them to get leggy. My Mom and Bill started on Wed. I’ll start what I have next week.
Hello! Well, that’s good to hear because I may not get to the seeds until Friday of this week which puts me in May. I too don’t like when they get leggie. I do want to get them in the ground early enough that they will survive in the ground with neglect when we head off for our first summer vacation. So my goal is to have them in the ground by the first week of June so they establish themselves a bit prior to my abandoning them!