Hello and happy Monday. Oh and happy Pi Day. It’s been a minute but I am here now. I am constantly learning more about myself as time passes on. I am learning to let go of the discomfort caused by my creative ‘ebb and flow’. I don’t know why I put so much pressure on myself. Or actually, that is a lie, I know that I am both inspired and shamed when I see other creatives on social media moving along with their creative endeavors. I see them on social media and I start to think, something must be wrong with me when I take such long breaks from creating.
I put my Etsy shop on holiday mode since Christmas break with the intention of reopening it in mid-January. Fast-forward to March and it’s still on holiday mode. I found myself putting off re-opening until I have new products. Creating another barrier for myself.
So today I decided to reopen with my current products and ease back into production. I want to share my successes and struggles with you all to keep things real. Too often we only see the successes on social media and that creates a false sense of perfection. But I am learning that I will naturally have creative bursts that ebb and flow throughout the year. For example, school vacation for my kids typically means I am going to spend more time with my loved ones and that’s ok. The beauty of being my own boss is that I am supposed to have that kind of flexibility. As we approach the gardening prep season, I know I will be spending more time in the garden than at my craft table, and guess what? That’s ok! I only hope you will continue to ride with me on my journey
So here I am beginning again…

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