IN THE GARDEN – update

A pleasant surprise despite such harsh weather.

A pleasant surprise despite such harsh weather.

This has been a strange gardening season. For weeks the weather has been oppressively hot and humid and I just haven’t been able to care for the plants the way I normally do. I have been trying to keep things watered but the weeds have had free reign.  So I am having to put my perfectionism aside and just be.

The rose bush photo makes me smile I planted it two years ago and it was not looking good last year and this year it has announced itself. I love how straight and upright it is. Some of my other roses are more lanky.

My Bee balm in my veggie garden

My Bee balm in my veggie garden

I love looking at my bee balm. It continues to grow and I don’t mind. I have two other veggie garden raised beds and I love catching hummingbirds and bees on them. They are so tall and vibrant. They just make me smile.  In the back is an old plant called false sunflower.  I also planted some sunflower seeds late so we will see if I can get them going.

My dahlias are just starting to update and I will photograph them soon.

Happy gardening!


Spring – New Year’s for Nature

Don't you just love bulbs? Work once and years of beauty

Don’t you just love bulbs? Work once and years of beauty

Spring is such a special time of year. It’s like New Year’s for nature. What do I mean by that you say? Well it’s the time all the perennials get another opportunity to grow and bloom.  So as soon as I can, I walk around like the garden detective and look for signs of growth.


My mini deck garden is coming along nicely.

My mini deck garden is coming along nicely.

I hold my breath when I go to locations where some of my prized plants are to come like my peonies.  I start to envision what I want for the upcoming season. What colors speak to me this year, what new plants I want to try.

Cute finches happy that I put some food out for them.

Cute finches happy that I put some food out for them.

Watching the birds and the bees at work in my yard is always a fun thing and I am trying to expose the boys to these joys in hopes that they will have a spring ritual with nature when they have a home of their own. Whether it be to tend a garden or simply to observe the wildlife in their space.  It’s all very magical to witness.

The sound of birds singing in our yard is so sweet and the two times a day we hear the Canadian geese heading to the lake and then heading home is also a favorite time for me.  They have their own commuting schedule – to the lake in the morning and home in the afternoon.

I am late to plan my veggie garden but choosing to ease up this year and not fuss as much so that I can enjoy it more.  So I will head to the garden center to purchase some veggies later this week.

I hope you are having a nice spring and taking time to notice the little things in nature that really add beauty to our lives.

Have a blessed day!


Photos from my garden – 1

“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

 – Buddha


Purple Irises in my garden

This is a picture taken in my garden after a rainfall. I love to capture raindrops on my flowers.  It looks amazing and makes me look like a better photographer than I am.

Rain…It’s finally raining!!!


I can’t believe I could be so excited about rain but after the winter with very little snow and the spring with no rain, as an avid gardener, this is a sight for sore eyes. All the shrubs and plants are sighing with joy right now. Nothing is drooping anymore.



There is something special about rain on the plants that is so much fun to capture. I love to see all the raindrops clinging to the flowers. I am the crazy lady that runs out after the rain and takes pictures of my plants.


I hope you enjoy seeing these photos I took today after our oh so welcome rain showers. I would love to see your pictures.


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