Archives for April 1, 2015

Haulin’ It!! — Patterned paper

march2015paperhaulAI am working on a project for my son’s class to pick up a few things and then I came across one of those sales that you can’t pass up. The 12×12 paper pads that are normally $19.99 were on sale for $5.99. That’s the price I pay for 6×6 pads. So needless to say, three pads jumped into my basket.  I thought I would share a few pages that I really liked at of each pad.  Since sometimes it’s hard to know from just the picture of the covers of them.

march2015paperhaulBCome on…teacups, you know I had to have this paper. I love the pastel colors. I could even simply cut one out and put on the front of a card.

march2015paperhaulCThis one makes me think of pretty wrapping paper. It’s prettier in person.

march2015paperhaulDButterflies..need I say more. Ok for those who don’t know me, I love butterflies and elephants. So if a craft product has either, I must have it.

march2015paperhaulEThere are also some pretty vibrant colors included too that will be great for some of my summer projects.

march2015paperhaulGCan’t get enough of floral patterns.  Will look pretty on a card or a home decor project.

march2015paperhaulIAnd finally what would spring projects be without umbrellas? So happy this page was included.

So that’s it for my patterned paper haul from Michael’s. If you get a chance to pick them up, I think they are worth the money.



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