Happy Birthday Daddy! I still call him daddy since he passed away when I was 8 years old and I wasn’t calling him Dad yet. So I guess I’m really a Daddy’s girl! I have this picture of him, while he was in Germany, framed in my office. Pardon the blurriness. I just took a picture of the picture rather than scan it. My mum kept him alive in my memory by sharing stories. I try to share them with my boys from time to time so that they too might know a little about my amazing dad, who was taken too soon.
I hope he too, is watching over me and smiles when he sees the not one but two boys I have. My dad wanted some boys and he ended up with one boy and 5 girls, now how is that for luck? But he never made us feel like that, he loved kids period and he would have had more if my mum didn’t put her foot down. I can’t imagine 6 kids in this day. My two are plenty.
Happy Birthday Daddy, I love you!