2014 FIFA World Cup – let’s get this party started!!


The boys are so excited for the first day of the 2014  FIFA World Cup games.  Brazil is hosting the games this time. The boys put their Brazil T-shirts on today for school. Today we will watch the first game between Brazil and Croatia. Hmm…who do you think we want to win?

We all installed the app so we can keep track of scores and who is playing. You can find out more information at the official site.

Since my birthday is on Monday, I thought I would try something different with my hair. I find it much easier to try things as I get older. So today I am going to go get highlights in my hair for the first time.   My logic:  People in Hollywood, shave their heads for movies so a simple change in color shouldn’t be a big deal right?  I figure, if not now when? Besides if I don’t like it, I will go back and color over it.

At least that is what I keep telling myself to keep the nerves at bay.

I hope you have a blessed day and can grab some time to check out the games.


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