Archives for September 2012

What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday – #170

Hello Everyone!  Can you hear the rain? It is pouring outside and dark like night. I have to drop off my oldest first then return a few hours later for kindergarten orientation for my youngest.  There is no amount of wet gear that will spare us from getting soaked in the process.  Is this really necessary for the first day of school?  Oh and is that lightning I just saw? You have to be kidding me.

But for the boys there is a little buzz in the air that’s filled with excitement and anxiety.  The boys are having a bit of time getting back to school time bedtime which is 7 in the room and they can read for 30 minutes and then 7:30 lights out. This summer I let them stay up until 8:30. But this will change once they are in school all day. They are going to be wiped out when they come home. I am looking forward to the 5 and a half hours each day with the boys in school that I can actually work on my projects and take care of my health without the guilt of not playing with the boys.  Now I can have time to dedicate to work and then when they come home I am all theirs.

My latest sale!

So what is on my desk you ask?  Well I am happy to say a package ready to go to the post office for my latest sale on Etsy.  I am so thrilled. If there was a camera on me when I realize I have a sale, I surely would embarrass myself when it is played back.  The thrill will never get old for me. I am currently working on fall products and will be putting sneak peeks up here soon.

New goodies on my desk.

I also have a few new things I bought recently. One is a cute little Halloween stamp with the girl on it. I bought it at Michael’s (all Halloween stamps stuff  %40).  There are also some old stamps I have from last year waiting for my attention.  But the blue masks are brand spankin new. I am hoping to use to create some cool canvas pieces.  I also found a few others I had and never used from old kits of the month.  I won’t bother telling you how old they are but I intend on trying them too.

Well I better get going so that I can start spanning the globe looking at other desks. If you haven’t learned about this amazing creative journey you can take every Wednesday, then head on over to Julia’s Stamping Ground and you will find desks from all around the world for What’s on Your Workdesk Wednesday.

Have a blessed day!




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