on my desk…
Hello, my crafty friends! It’s Wednesday and you know what time it is. Time to snoop. For those of you that aren’t familiar with WOYWW (What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday), head on over to Julia’s Stamping Ground and you will find desks from all around the world where we get to snoop on other crafter’s desks.
I am running late! I have so many things going on simultaneously that my head is going to just pop off. I started a 10-day detox yesterday with my friend and I’ll share some photos later in this post. I am still working out the morning kinks of our school routine with the boys in the morning, I am working to fill the holes (and I have many) in my inventory for my shop. More about that later. I am also buddy reading a rather large book with a friend and have fallen off schedule. So getting to my desk this morning any earlier was not happening.
On my desk you can see a little of one of the cards I worked on at last weeks’ Zoom Craft session. You can see my swatches for some of my Nuvos. It’s really a good idea to create one so that when you have a project, you can hold it over the paper and see if the color will work or not. I need to do another one because my collection has grown. You can also see two of my Copics that need refills. Nail polish, yup that’s two bottles of nail polish (A girls got to have some luxuries at her desk!).

Above is the latest to add to my collection. These pens are made by U Brands and I get them at Target. I wait for new collections to come out and run out and buy them. The write like butter in my journals and the retractable ones have excellent weight to them like higher quality pens. I love using the felt tip one’s in my journals too. So naturally I had to run out and get the latest colors yesterday!!

Last week, I did some social distance craft shopping with my friend, Joan. We went to Michael’s and I found these amazing journals, notebook, and watercolor markers on deep sales. So they instantly went into my basket.

I have never used Tombow’s watercolor markers and they came with a bonus color marker. It was a deal I could not pass on. I will try to test them out later this week.

So my friend, Ashley and I have been doing a 21-day cleanse every year for several years now. I decided to shake things up when I came across this 10-day cleanse that you do 4 times a year at the beginning of each season. Above is a glimpse of yesterdays foods.

Lunch was pretty yummy. I will do a little tweaks for the next time I have to eat it. So far not bad. Well, actually this mornings breakfast was quite bland and I sat there eating it like a kid eating mashed potatoes (one that doesn’t like them of course). What we do for good health!! haha.

Football season began in the US on Sunday and I was so excited. I am convinced that they will not make it through a complete season due to the pandemic so I am savouring every game. On Sunday, while I watched, I made card bases and stamped them with my branding. It’s wonderful when things like that happen. Now I have more card bases ready to go.

I had to stock up on more envelopes for my cards. I can’t tell you how much joy it gives me everytime I go shopping for more envelopes.

They just make me happy. I used to use only white envelopes but now I love colored envelopes. They look so great with the cards and they are fun to receive in the mail.

I saw this yarn when I was shopping with Joan and they really make me want to pick up knitting again. I love these colors and they are so soft. I had to use a lot of control not to buy any.

I can’t get enough of my roses this year. This photo does not capture the beauty completely but I thought I would share anyway. I paired them with some pink guara. Next year, I will add a complimentary colored flower to really wow. Ok I am off. I hope you all are well and look forward to some snooping.
Hi Belinda. Goodness – you are BUSY! The roses are great, the new stash incredibly useful (well, why else would we buy it?? – although I admit that some stash I buy doesn’t get used very rapidly!) Well done finding those gorgeous pens and getting so much prep done.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #2
good luck with the cleanse! I love the colours of the yarn too, but I haven’t knitted for years. Have a fab week Helen #1
Wow, you have bought some beautiful new stash this week! I share your joy in really good pens that feel great when they write, even some cheaper pens can do the trick, especially whe you have a lot of writing to do, like Christmas cards. The rainbow envelopes are gorgeous too, so pretty. I admire you for doing the detox, the salad looks pretty yummy. I got a new exercise this week and have been watching cycling videos on YouTube which is kind of fun!
Hugs LLJ 7 xxxx
Hi Belinda, the coloured envelopes look gorgeous – I just use plain white, but I am tempted to convert. There used to be a shop many years ago where I bought colouted stationery, when I actually wrote letters to my friends. I can’t even remember what it was called, but it’s probably long gone now. The wool looks gorgeous too – well done on the self control. Ah, you can’t beat a good pen, or two, or ten lol. Have a lovely week, Heather xx #11
Hi Belinda I understand completely your obsession with pens there is nothing like using something that feels right and when they write like butter well…. that’s even smoother. Hope you get on with the Tombow’s I have a very useful set of grey’s but not many other colours in that range. Your roses do look very beautiful.
Take care & remember to take some time out for you in between the busy days.
Happy WoywW Tracey #6 x
How I love pens – in fact all stationery! My husband says that my daughter and I should not be allowed near any shops that sell such things…
Loved reading your post!
Happy woyww! Susan #8
You look really busy there Belinda. Love the crafty bargains you managed to pick up. Hope you get back into the school routine soon. I am having to enjoy the soccer via the radio at the moment as no public allowed. I shall postpone renewing my season ticket until the 2021-22 season I think as things look so doubtful for this year. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3
Lovely roses, my neighbour has beautifully scented ones which I can’t resist smelling as I go past! It’s funny I have not thought about coloured envelopes, do you have to put a white address label on? I do like a good pen and will see if we get that brand. Angela #27
Good job I popped back. Loving the coloured envelopes, not something we see much of in the UK though they used to be more popular at one time so who knows maybe they’ll come back here too. Good luck with the Detox too. Sending happy belated woyww hugs, Angela x16x
Oooh Belinda, wha a feast of gorgeous colour your blog is this week. Love the envelopes and the yarns, and your really pretty pens! I bought a lot of Tombow markers a while back and absolutely adore them. I have found that painting the page with gesso first (clear, if it’s already got a design on it) and then gently sanding it to reduce the rough tooth which can damage the markers, the markers will then blend and slide over the surface a lot better. You can get some absolutely brilliant effects with them. I just touch with the pen and then blend it out with water with a brush. I love these pens!! Hope your detox goes OK. The food looks delicious! I’m 100 percent whole-food plant-based now and just love the rainbow colours and variety of all the veggies and fruits. Way to go!!
Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi x #15