on my desk…
Hello, my crafty friends! It’s Wednesday and you know what time it is. Time to snoop. For those of you that aren’t familiar with WOYWW (What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday), head on over to Julia’s Stamping Ground and you will find desks from all around the world where we get to snoop on other crafter’s desks.
Good morning!! Yesterday we had high winds and rain and then the humidity dropped and the wind continued into the night so winds open for a lovely sleep. I am typing fast because today my crafty girlfriends are having an extra Zoom session today in addition to our weekly Saturday sessions. I have some work to complete before then. I think we are going to begin after 1 which will work out perfectly if I can hunker down after writing this post. Of course, my desk photo above is the hot mess I left it in since yesterday.

I have decided to create a spreadsheet to help me manage and plan my inventory for the re-opening of my Etsy shop. I sometimes tend to make more cards in one category so this will help make sure I have them all filled. I am a mood reader with books as well as crafting so sometimes I go on a binge in one direction. So I am creating a spreadsheet on Excel and my husband is going to help me make into a lovely form that will really help me keep on track.

Above is some happy mail that arrived yesterday. I wanted some nice stickers to use in my personal journal and I ordered these lovelies off of Amazon. They are vellum stickers and they blend in so nicely inside my journal.

I didn’t stick these down yet but I wanted you to see how lovely they are and how they blend so nicely and they are thin so I don’t have to worry about them bulking up the pages or messing with my handwriting. They have beautiful plants, flowers and butterflies!

Speaking of butterflies. Below you can see one of the things I was playing around with last Saturday. I used my Distress oxides, a stencil and a bookmark to play around. They ended up pretty cute.

Yesterday I began replenishing my cardbases. I cut and scored cards in two different orientations. I need to make more today. I like to have them ready to go.

Below you can see the results of last weeks’ zoom session. I diecut the origami images I colored the week prior and die cut some more sentiments in gold paper. They are ready for assembly. I like having components ready to go so I can squeeze in some cardmaking in between other projects.

Another garden picture. Who did not prune her fruit trees? Yup.. me. They are the wild children in the background. They look like my hair in this humidity!!! I need a cool day and I will grab my husband and ladder and give them a trim. At the bottom of photo you can see some transplanted hydrangeas that are not blooming!! I am not sure if the transplant damaged them.

Last photo, from last night. It was wild winds yesterday and we opened all of the windows to let the cool air circulate. After dinner I had the urge to fill the house with heavenly scents so I made a Jamaican Toetoe Bread. It’s so simple and hit the spot!! I will eat a slice today with some tea for sure!

I hope you all are well. I will make my rounds tomorrow since I will be crafting with my friends later today.
Keep crafting!!
It sounds like you’re having a busy day. I like to play with card sometimes with no actual use for it in mind as I find sometimes having a card in mind stunts my creativity then when that’s done I keep them for a while and then use them for cards and art journaling. and it looks as though that’s what you’re doing with the die cuts, good idea. Wishing you a very happy and crafty woyww, Angela x10x
Oooh, the toetoe bread sounds interesting! Is it sweet or savoury? I shall have to look the recipe up as I’ve never heard of it before. I do love those new stickers you bought and they look perfect in your journal – the flower stencils are cute too!!
As for the hydrangeas, mine sulked for two years before growing so don’t panic, there’s plenty of time!
Hugs LLJ 2 xxxx
I agree with Jan, you’ve intrigued me with the bread too. have a good week and enjoy your crafting – love th butterflies. Helen #1
Hi there the bread sounds delicious! You are so busy. Tried cutting card bases ready but then seemed to get a bit battered. Guess I need better storage!
Anne X 15
Ooh that Jamaican Toetoe bread sounds scrummy Belinda. It sounds as if you are very organised as far as getting your cards sorted. The spreadsheets sound a good idea too. Hope you had a great zoom session. Stay safe and happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #4
I’m like you and binge not just on a craft, on whatever grabs me. I’m bingeing on blog writing at the moment and seem to have something to say most days. Hope folk don’t get sick of me.
I’m also bingeing on a salted caramel chocolate ice cream lolly from a local shop. They are only £1.30 for three which doesn’t help haha. Hubby Philip buys two boxes at a time.
Enjoy all your crafting and hope the spreadsheet works out.
Lynn xx 7
I’m late again Belinda, been a bit poorly this week. Anyway, first things first. Never heard of toetoe bread and really need to have a recipe if you don’t mind sharing, the thought of heavenly smells and so lovely a looking cakes bread thing just makes me want to bake! If you can bear to, leave your transplanted hydrangea until next season to see if they take. We moved one from my mother’s garden into a big old pot after she moved into a home and it took 18 months to stop sulking and be the plant it was….it now sits beautifully in the courtyard at her care home. Hark at me preaching patience…something I’m not usually very good at. You should read your blog post again….spreadsheet, card bases, die-cutting and colouring ready to use…my word girlfriend, you are SO organised! I could earn a thing or two.Also, I like the vellum stickers very much, and love what you did with the plain white stickers. I dont use many butterflies at all in my cards or scrapbooking. I think they are probably too delicate for my style!
I love that you meet with your crafty friends via Zoom. What a great way to stay connected and inspired. Fingers-crossed your hydrangeas settle in soon! Happy belated WOYWW! – Angela #31
Going to try toetoe breda!!
Love the vellum stickers.
Sorry I am late visiting!
Stay safe and keep well…
Susan #3
What s lovely post, Belinda. Lots of interest on your desk, and your new stickers are sooo pretty, as are your butterfly stencils! Just gorgeous. I am glad you’ve had a bit of a drop in the humidity where you are. It’s been terribly hot and close here – we had one peel of thunder yesterday and some rain but it’s still pretty hot. I’ve never heard of toetoe bread before – that’s a new one on me! Your garden looks really lovely.
Sorry to be so late visiting. I’m desperately trying to visit all the desks before tomorrow arrives!
Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi x #18