Silhouette Sunday #11: Silhouette Studio Software update 3.0.343 release

Hello Everyone!

Wow I almost missed Sunday! My boys are on vacation this week and my work schedule has been crazy so things are way off schedule. I was hoping to share some projects with you but they got pushed to the side to play with my boys.

I did want make sure I commented on the latest update to the Silhouette Software.  As you know from my previous post, I downloaded the update as soon as it was released. Many people were upset about many of the functionality that they come to rely on being removed from the first update.  For example the cut lines functionality was removed and you were forced to adapt to the new layers and line color feature. I am also a Photoshop Elements user so this wasn’t so foreign a concept.

The long and the short is that with in a month, Silhouette listened to all the complaints and now they released an update to the update which brought back many of the items that people missed. As a matter of fact,you can use it the same way and now all the new features are advanced options. So if you aren’t comfortable yet with the change you can keep doing what you have been doing.  Another complaint was that if you saved a file in the new version and a person using the Legacy (older version) software would not be able to open it. In the latest update, you can save for Lagacy use too.

I feel comfortable saying to update now, I think the biggest obstacle for some is getting used to the new user interface where many items are in different locations. But that will resolve itself the more you use it.

One thing I am liking a lot about the new release is that if your machine crashes or you close it without saving, the program automatically recovers the documents and when you open it again, it will give you the option to save them.  Loving that.

One thing that I think is brilliant about the layers feature is that if you buy a file with many components for example like the ones you get from SVG Cuts, you can leave them all on the mat and cut each component one by one on whatever color material you want without having to move each item on and off of the cutting mat. You just turn off the layer or cut by color and it saves you time and allows you to keep straight what you need to cut. Saves a lot of time.

I will continue to share more of the things I am liking as I explore the software.

Debbie H. on YouTube has three great videos that answers so many questions and helps to assure everyone that this new version is worth the installation:

Studio 3.0.34 Update Release

Studio 3.0.343 FAQs

Studio 3.0.343 Standard and Advance Cutting

Happy crafting!



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