OLW: Connecting with Family

Lately I have been watching how all the electronics and outside things are taking away from genuine family time. Sometimes I fear we all don’t know what else to do.  So one of my plans for 2015 is to connect (my One Little Word for 2015)with my family. I would like to move to towards the place when we can all reduce the distractions so that we can just sit with each other and find a way to be truly content.

I want to start by trying to schedule things that will do just that; then maybe eventually it will become more natural for us.  I recently found out about National Readathon day which is this Saturday, January 24th. It is a fundraiser for the National Book Foundation but instead of the sole focus of it as a fundraiser, in our home, I’m going to take it as an opportunity for us to reconnect with each other through reading. It’s supposed to be a reading session for three hours from 12 – 3pm when groups we just sit with your books and read. But since the boys are very young I know that’s not possible. So I have decided to break it into 3 one-hour sessions of reading.

I told Leao about it because I want him of course to be there too and he is very happy to join us. I told the boys to think about the books that they want so they can read anything they want but that no devices will be available (only e-reader if that is the choice of medium)  only books.

Now I know it’s not connecting via talking but it’s connecting through the love of literature in doing the same thing together with no distractions from the outside world. It’s a step. Besides I love an excuse to get some reading fit into my day. It’s also an opportunity to discuss literacy problems in this country.

Below I included the banner, link and a little more information about this fundraiser. NATIONAL BOOK FOUNDATION INC

National Readathon Day (NRD) is a nation-wide marathon reading session on Saturday, January 24 from Noon – 4pm (in respective time zones)
– You can share your love of books and support programs that promote reading by pledging to read and fundraising for the National Book Foundation
– It’s like a walk-a-thon charity drive, but we’re turning pages instead of walking laps.

Hope you can find some tiime to check it out and grab a book on Saturday!


One Little Word (OLW) : Connecting to all Beings

display images to learn more about A Path Appears on PBS

So I’ve mentioned the word that I chose for 2015 was connect. One of the things that I want to bring into my life more fully this year is to connect with my fellow beings here and abroad.

I’ve always felt I have had a blessed life. I have a loving family, good health and a home. But sadness fills me when I get a glimpse of the struggle of many in poverty. I get angry and go through a gamut of emotions and then I don’t act. This year, I want to take the step and take action.

The logical side of me wants to approach this connection first through in depth education so that I can act wisely. I’ve gathered some books on different aspects of need and struggle over time. Now I must push myself further to learn and then act. So my plan is to begin reading them one by one to educate myself so that I can connect fully as one with all beings through service and advocacy. For I believe connecting includes extending myself and helping not just observing. And when I say that it doesn’t mean that I know that we are all beings and that some of us suffer daily. It means that I feel what they feel through true compassion and want for them with all my heart, the things I want for me which is love, peace, shelter, food, respect and opportunity.

One of the books that I’m reading has an amazing husband-and-wife team (Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn) and they have a couple of books published. I only have one of them right now which is called, “Half the Sky” but I just recently found out that they have a three-part movie that’s coming out on PBS on January 26, Feb 2nd and Feb 9th. The name of it is A Path Appears and it is based on the book by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. Click here to watch the trailer.

I ask of you my friend to take a few minutes to watch the trailer with a box of tissue and decide if you want to watch that show on the 26 because I understand that feeling of hopelessness that there so much need and struggle and wonder where to begin. Asking how little old me can make a difference. But, the inaction is the problem. Actions big or small makes a difference. Collectively we all can make a difference. No more putting it off. So I begin this journey of connection this year filled with hope and optimism that my actions make a difference. Will you join me?


One Little Word 2015

Good morning! I hope you all are well this sunny morning. It’s sunny here with a little drop of snow on the ground.

I have been participating in the One Little Word class with Ali Edwards for several years now. Each year, I have chosen a word fairly easy. Last year, I chose Listen. I have learned that you never are really finished with the word at the end of the year, you just incorporate it with you life and move to the next. So although I still feel Listen is a great word and there is always more to be done, I think I need to move to a new word for 2015.

This year, I began seeking my word in November.  I went through many words but none seemed to resonate. Then the pressure built when Ali announced her word, ‘give’. I liked it because the past few months I had been moving towards establishing more charitable work and giving in my life.  But again, something didn’t quite connect. Then I looked at the word ‘engage’ and while exploring the definition and synonyms, I  saw the word ‘connect‘ and everything fell into place and my word for 2015 was selected.

I am excited by the possibility of how the word  Connect might change my life.

When I think of connect I think of:

Connecting to family – Over the years, I have allowed too much distance with my family and extended family. Technology which is wonderful has taken over my family and I hope to find more ways to connect with Leao and the boys without technology. I would also like to find ways to connect with extended family that don’t live so close on a regular basis.

Connect to friends – I want to find more meaningful opportunities to connect with new and old friends and not just texting!

Find the connection to all beings – I want to use my spiritual beliefs and my continued research on poverty and humanities other struggles, to connect to those in need through compassion, understanding and giving.

Connect to my fitness – Continue on my path to well being through regular exercise and healthy eating.

Connect to my customers – I want to find ways to connect with more customers via my Etsy shop and offline sales opportunities.

So for the class each month Ali provides some things to do (sometimes crafty sometimes journaling) to help us keep our words present in our lives. So I will share some of the these activities as I work through them.  This will be a big help because each year I start fairly well then somehow life and priorities shift and I let go of my promise. This year, I hope to push myself through the entire experience.  Because I do believe in the process I know that pushing through with my word will create new possibilities in my life. So now you can have a front seat while I work through this process.

What’s your word for 2015?



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