Happy Monday: Coming out of our cocoon!

Hello Everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. My daffodils are so vibrant and yellow just makes me smile every time I see it. With these warm temperatures arriving and our deck prepped, I feel like we are finally coming out of our winter cocoon! Spring is in the air or should I say summer is in the air over here. This past weekend we had great temps and tomorrow through the end of this week we are going to have seasonably high temps in the upper 70s, low 80s!! Since I knew this week would be warm, Leao and I took the time to clean out our garage and de-winterize our deck. It’s a three-season deck and in the winter we put a tarp on the sides to keep some of the blowing snow out and then we move all of the furniture and grill to the side and throw tarps over it.  So we spent all-day Saturday cleaning up the deck and re-installing all of the blinds.  I didn’t put the seat cushions out because I knew today would be rainy. But tomorrow, I will and will spend my work day on my deck. So from this point until early winter, I spend much of my time on our deck, working, reading, sleeping, eating and playing games with my family. So I am in such a happy mood because I look forward to being outside after a long and hard winter.

We hired our new landscaper to do a spring clean up and grass fertilization for our property and I have to say that it was truly money well spent. This time a year, I usually clean up the yard in phases. I do one side at a time and I have to say, I have never seen it this tidy when I have done it in the past. But my back is definitely so grateful that we hired help.  So now I can start planning my garden. I don’t think I am going to do any seeds in the house this year, I will direct sow some but will only work with plants for the rest of my garden. So the fun begins!! No planting yet, just planning as a “New Englander” I know you can’t quite rely on the sudden heat. We could have a frost any moment so I err on the side of caution and patiently wait to begin planting.

A major milestone occurred this weekend, Apollo surprised me and rode his bike for the first time on Saturday. Each year, I tried to encourage my boys to learn to ride and they try and then quickly lose interest after a fall. But on Saturday, when Apollo saw his bike in the garage while I was cleaning something just clicked for him. Then he sat on it and found his helmet (which surprisingly fit!) and said he would like to ride it. So as Leao and I were moving stuff out to toss in the trash, he zoomed by us on his bike. A little wobbly but all on his own. Wow! the moment you always dream about right before our eyes. It never gets old. Since I am one for not forcing them to do things that they express that they don’t want, there are some things they can not do just yet and bike riding is one. So this turn of events produced the biggest joy in my heart.  Leao took his bike to our rear driveway (where we don’t have to worry about cars) and let him try again and he did it! I am so happy for him because I remember how I felt when I learned to ride my bike. It was that new independence that came with it that made it so sweet. So bike trails are in our future. Yay! Well, I am off for now.

Have a blessed day!


Happy Monday!

Hello everyone! I am back to hang out a bit. It’s freezing outside but the sun is blasting so that makes it better.  Another storm is heading our way on Wednesday, hopefully, it doesn’t bring any significant amounts of snow.  Spring is tomorrow so I have no interest in seeing any more snowstorms.

Last week was a fun week despite the Nor’easter which dumped quite a bit of snow. So you can see why I might not be in the cheering section for another storm. The one thing I love about big storms is snow days and my boys get to stay home with us.  I love having my peeps around.

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Yesterday I took my boys to see, “A Wrinkle in Time” and wow it was fantastic. I liked the messages in the story and the visuals were amazing.  I was taken aback by the marketing that this movie was for “Father-daughter or mother-daughter dates”. My sons enjoyed it and the messages were important to everyone. So I am quite confused why anyone would wish to limit the exposure of this movie. I also found this lovely interview with the granddaughter of the late Madeleine L’Engle. She believes her grandmother would have loved the film.

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Lately, we have been picking winners to see at the theaters. The last movie we saw was Black Panther and I loved it. I rarely want to see a movie again on the big screen but this one gave me all the feels and I am so tempted to go see it again. My hope is that everyone gets to see this film because it isn’t just important for black people to see themselves portrayed as strong superheroes. It is important for everyone to gain more exposure and then maybe one day he will just be a celebrated superhero.

As you know, I still have reading sessions with my youngest son and our latest book is blowing my mind. It is called, “The Other Mozart: The Life of the famous Chevalier de Saint-George“. I first heard about him on an episode of The View in which they would feature a different person each for Black History Month. So I wrote it down and checked it out of the library. I listen to a variety of music including classical and I have never heard of Chevalier de Saint-George.

Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-Georges (December 25, 1745 – June 10, 1799)[1] was a champion fencer, a virtuoso violinist, and conductor of the leading symphony orchestra in Paris. Born in Guadeloupe, he was the son of George Bologne de Saint-Georges, a wealthy planter, and Nanon, his African slave.[2] During the French Revolution, Saint-Georges was colonel of the ‘Légion St.-Georges,'[3] the first all-black regiment in Europe, fighting on the side of the Republic. Today the Chevalier de Saint-Georges is best remembered as the first classical composer of African ancestry.

We read half of the book on Saturday and then found his music to listen to online. We will finish the second half tonight. But what a pleasant surprise to learn of this man and his achievements. I love finding opportunities like this to expose to my boys so they are reminded what is possible.

Well, I am off and I hope you all have a blessed day!


Happy Monday!

Hello Everyone! Happy Monday! It’s National Plum Pudding Day according to my son’s calendar. I don’t recall tasting plum pudding but I would be willing to try!

I hope you all had a refreshing weekend. I had a root canal late last week so I spent the weekend recovering from the ache. I had intended on working on making Valentines with Apollo for his class but it just didn’t happen so today is the day. I will be cutting out some files from Silhouette and he can assemble and decorate them. I will be sure to share some photos. I completed a book I have been reading lately and will be posting a review this week. I think I am back on my reading mojo again. Sometimes I fall into reading slumps but right now I feel pretty good about that.

I have been exploring new craft mediums so I will be sharing some photos of what’s been on my craft table. Speaking of craft table, my lovely craft enabler friend Ashley informed me of a new product by Tim Holtz a few weeks back. It’s a craft mat/workspace that is designed with the multi-medium crafter in mind. So I had forgotten about it until an email popped up last week from scrapbook.com to tell me they had them and they were on sale. So you all know what I did. I ordered it. I guess it’s my Valentines’ gift for myself. It should come this week and I will definitely share some photos. It’s actually a really great tool so I don’t feel too bad.

The weather is rather crazy here. It’s in the mid-40s today and by Thursday it will reach 60. What? That’s just plain crazy for here in the middle of February. But I will take it. I don’t like being cold.

I hope you all have a blessed day and I will be back with some cool content this week!


Happy Monday!

Hello Everyone! Are you ready for a new week? It’s Monday and although it is gray outside with a light drizzle, I am in happy spirits over the Patriot’s win yesterday. It was a real nail-biter for sure. But they managed to secure a win to head to the Superbowl.

I can’t believe January is rolling by so quickly but it has been a good month and the forecast for the next seven days predicts mostly mild temps for this time of year.  I’ll take it.

I managed to stop by the comic book store with my son this weekend and pick up a few more comics to help me with my reading challenge. The great thing is that Newbury Comics where we buy most of our comics, has a dollar section and I have found great selections to choose from without spending a lot.  At the end of the month, I will share with you the four comics I read.

I also wanted to share with you some new products that have caught my eyes (not my wallet … yet!) – click on the image to see more details:

Carta Bella Paper - Flora No 2 Collection - 12 x 12 Collection Kit

Carta Bella Paper – Flora No 2 Collection – 12 x 12 Collection


I am loving the color combination, floral patterns and the lovely sayings on their ephemera.

Pebbles - TeaLightful Collection - Ephemera

Pebbles – TeaLightful Collection – Ephemera

Oh boy, I can’t tell you how much I love this tea inspired ephemera from Pebbles. You all know how much I love tea and often products only represent coffee. so this one has to be owned by me for sure. Look at the cute teacup.

We R Memory Keepers - Dial Trimmer

We R Memory Keepers – Dial Trimmer

I’m sort of a We R Memory Keepers tool collector. I love their tools and this one sounds fantastic. You use one cutter and can create a multitude of decorative edges. Hmmm. might have to add this one to my stash.

Well, I am off to get some work completed for the day but I hope you have a blessed day!



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