Fun Find Friday : Punch anyone?

funfindfridayJan8_2016a Hello friends!  I just thought I would share a recent find at my local Michael’s. Martha Stewart punches for ridiculously cheap prices. I don’t know about you, but I tend to pass by her punches most of the time because I find them way over priced.  But not this time. I found these beauties that are normally $12.99 for $4.99 each.

Not only that, but each of them store companion stamps inside of them. How cool is that? With Valentines’ coming next, I know the heart will be of use. I can’t wait to use the balloon punch on some birthday cards and the flower punch, oh my…simply lovely.

funfindfridayJan8_2016bIt appears that many of Martha’s Stewarts products are on sale so if you have an interest, you should check out your store and see what you can find.

I will be sure to share upcoming projects that I use these beauties on in the future.

Have a great weekend!



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