Shrinky dinks with My Boys


Hello Everyone! Happy Monday! I had to run some errands today so I was unable to post the happenings this morning.


When I was little I remember loving when my mom and I would use shrinky dinks. We made such cool things. One of my favorite things to make was keychains.  So for a few years now I have been thinking about doing it with the boys. I have bought the sheets that you can stamp on etc. but hadn’t used them.  So I loved the idea of a kit with a theme. And I don’t know about you but monsters were  definitely appealing to my boys. So I picked up the kit from Michael’s.


It was fun watching them each take turns looking into the toaster oven to see their creations curl up and shrink then lay down flat.  It was a short activity and I am finding that this works best for them. I lose them if I try to get too involved.  Which is quite easy for me to do since I enjoy creating.

shrinkydinks4Another cute thing about this kit is that it came with a little background and stands for the monsters. This would be a great craft around Halloween.

Well I am off to go do some reading. I have book club tomorrow and I still have 150 pages left of reading. Thank goodness it is a good book!

Have a blessed day!



Fun Photos Friday #27: The Making of a Ship


There are times when I don’t give my kids enough credit for taking a break from their electronics and making something. Recently, my oldest took a box and decided he wanted to make a ship.  I couldn’t see it at first but he had the vision to create one so I quickly obliged him.

funphotofriday27dHe did all of the drawings and figured out how he wanted it configured. I provided tape, scrapbook paper a straw and I used my Silhouette to cut out an anchor and the name he wanted for the ship.

funphotofriday27bHe equipped it with people and ladders and the works.

funphotofriday27gI really was happy that it was created by him with a little help from me using basic materials. I will have to remember it when I get ready to complain to him again about not doing more creative things.


These are the important times I want him to remember and share with his children.  The gadgets are great and have value but the tactile creative stuff just feels so right.

funphotofriday27fIf you look on the left corner you can see he even created a plank.  So don’t make this captain mad or you just might get your walking papers!

funphotofriday27eHe even personalized it so you know who made it.  I will have to try to create more opportunities for activities like these this summer.

The ship is now sitting up on top of his dresser for public viewing.

Have a blessed day and a great weekend!



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