Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. Every week they post a new topic/top ten list and invite everyone to share their own answers.
At first I wasn’t going to participate because I hadn’t really thought about heroine’s and it seemed a bit daunting. Then I went to GoodReads and looked through some of the books I’ve read, and picked some. I am not listing them in any particular order here.
Dana (from Kindred by Octavia Butler) – I read this book many years ago and can’t recall all of the details but I do remember thinking how strong this character had to be to be thrown back into slavery time from our present day. I can’t even imagine what I would do. But I felt that Ms. Butler made her a strong character throughout the book.
Claire Randall (from Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon) – This series has even been made into a great TV series and I like the actress in the series as well. I remember how absorbed I was with this book. Surprisingly I never went on to the others in this series but just might one day. But again another heroine that time travels and remains strong in face of many adversities.
Rei Shimura (from Zen Attitude (Rei Shimura mysteries by Sujata Massey) – Anyone who reads this blog, knows the special place in my heart for Rei. I have had an interest in Japan since childhood and this series delivers. Rei never waivers and faces on some pretty tough adversaries in each mystery while I get a healthy dose of Japanese culture. I love the way Rei takes charge of her life and doesn’t cower from it.
Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat,Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert) – I know there are some out there that hate on this book. But I’m not one of them. I truly enjoyed this book and loved watching her life journey unfold on the pages. I even enjoyed the movie. Don’t hate.
Julia Beckett (Mariana by Susanna Kearsley) – I pretty much enjoy all of Susanna Kearsley’s female characters are in her books. This was the first one I read and loved it. I liked how Julia didn’t shy away from the “impossible” in this book. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t read it but I really enjoyed this book and it’s heroine.
Nitta Sayuri (Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden) – I read this a really long time ago with a book club. I remember we made sushi and then discussed the book at one of my girlfriend’s house. This girl had a tough life with little choices and she kept pushing along. The movie adaptation was stunning. I watch it every time it comes on cable.
Nell Sweeney (Still Life with Murder by P.B. Ryan) – I stumbled across this book as a free read on my Nook a few years ago. I took a chance and fell absorbed in the story and couldn’t get enough. I read all the books in the series and was so sad to see them come to an end. Talk about book hangover. Nell figured how to take her life from poverty to a better life. I loved the stories because they were based locally so I could enjoy them even more.
Olivia Pope (Scandal the TV Series by Shonda Rhimes) – Well where to begin. I first started watching this show as my guilty pleasure at lunch time. Her naughty relationship with the character that is the president on the show aside, I like to see a strong black women on a television show. I think Shonda Rhimes strikes a nice balance with Olivia’s strength and her take charge attitude with her softer more vulnerable side. I typically DVR the show because if I watch it at showtime, I get all pumped up speculating the next week’s show and take forever to go to sleep. Of screen, Kerry Washington is a force. She is not just a pretty face and her dedication to humanitarian issues are on point.
Constantine & Aibileen (The Help by Kathryn Stockett) – I enjoyed the book and the movie was great. I loved these two characters and the way they handled such a difficult situation. These two actresses really brought the characters to life and made you feel and think more even after the credits rolled.
Who are your favorite heroines?
Great list 🙂 I haven’t read/watched many of these but totally agree with those that I have.
Cora @ Tea Party Princess
I love love love your list! I love that it isn’t filled with fantasy characters – though there are some incredible heroines in that genre. Olivia Pope kicks serious butt… in TV I would’ve also gone with CJ from the West Wing 🙂 I totally agree with “The Help”. Thanks for sharing.