Archives for January 2017

President Obama’s Farewell Speech – My Thoughts


Did you watch President Obama’s farewell speech? I don’t know about you but I recorded and watched President Obama’s farewell speech on Tuesday night. I feel so proud and blessed to have bared witness to his presidency for these last eight years.  For both of my boys, he is the only president that they have ever known. That’s an experience that I as an African-American living in the United States have never experienced until his election. It’s something I never thought I would experience. But for my children, it has been so wonderful for them to see a president who looks likes them. They don’t have to fantasize in their minds like my generation has done, it was a reality for not just one but two terms.

In some ways, what my boys have experienced is what every white American has experienced since the beginning in this country. To some that may not be a big deal but to me it’s profound. I admit cynicism seeped into my thoughts prior to these eight years and allowed me to believe it would never happen in my lifetime. Then once he was elected I began to fear for his life. Some of my friends dismissed that saying oh no it wouldn’t happen here not now. But I knew it was a very big risk for him and now everybody knows because in recent years we’ve all had to bear witness to the news coverage of blacks getting killed on a daily basis by police officers and fanatics So it no longer can be brushed under the rug the on-going plight black Americans face on a daily basis particular black males.

I am so proud to have Barack Obama as the man that became our 44th President and to have my two black boys witness that this possibility exists and can happen. He served our country with grace under the on-going scrutiny and reached for the many of the aspirations he had since campaign days.

I watched him and listen to everything he said on Tuesday night and let his words soaked in for a little bit. His reflection on his achievements over the past eight years are amazing and I wish that more people were aware and acknowledged them.

After the results of this last election, I knew that I had to change the way I was living. That I would have to do something as a citizen of this country to make sure that we continue to move forward not backward. President Obama’s call to action by every citizen has left a big impression on me.

Immediately after the election results, I started to think about ways that I could take steps and become an active citizen that participates in the advancement of this country. The holidays came and I lost sight of that aspiration. Then Tuesday, during President Obama’s speech, I was reminded of my quest. His speech meant something more to me than just a farewell it was a reminder that people (including my own Mother and Father) came before me and fought for so many of the liberties that I have today while that I can’t sit back and allow life to happen to me.  I have to become an active participant to continue to make a better world for us all and especially our children.

I will forever feel blessed to have had the opportunity to experience president Obama’s presidency in my lifetime and I will move forward with integrity and grace, inspired by his presidency and begin to educate myself on ways to honor his request.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Belinda’s Book Nook Review: The Mothers by Brit Bennett


Title: The Mothers
Author: Brit Bennett
Copyright: October 11, 2016
Genre: fiction
Format: book Pages: 278

Hey, Happy New Year! This book was all over Booktube and I just dismissed it. Not because it was a bad book but I just didn’t really pay attention to it and what it was about but I knew people liked it. And I tend to do that with books when they first come out and there is a lot of hype surrounding it. I wait for the dust to settle and then I go check them out. So when I was in the library right before Christmas break I saw this on the shelf of new arrivals. And I thought maybe I’ll take it out and see what it’s all about.

Now I know many people like to read books and finish them by the end of each month and I had intentions of doing that but vacation is family time in my house so playing games, talking and eating replaced my reading. My plan to finish this by the end of December and have it be my last book of 2016 was foiled. But have no fear, I have finished it and it is officially my last book of 2016 and my first book of 2017. What an honor.

Synopsis (from Goodreads):

A dazzling debut novel from an exciting new voice, The Mothers is a surprising story about young love, a big secret in a small community—and the things that ultimately haunt us most. Set within a contemporary black community in Southern California, Brit Bennett’s mesmerizing first novel is an emotionally perceptive story about community, love, and ambition. It begins with a secret.

My Thoughts:

This book is about a lot of things; family, friendship and community just like it says in the book description. It is specifically about a black community in southern California and it starts with a secret. This secret lasts the span from the main characters teen years into adulthood and how the secret affects all of the community.

I really enjoyed the multiple POVs in this book. It does affect the pacing of the book so if your type person that doesn’t like multiple points of views in stories then this book could be a turn-off.  But for me, I felt it only enhanced the story because it gave you a deeper understanding and slowly the author brings you through how the secret touches everybody and how everybody perceives things quite differently. I really enjoyed the book I enjoyed the pacing which strengthened the character development. I enjoyed being with Nadia, the main character as she worked through complex feelings. It felt like a real story. I also thoroughly enjoyed reading the banter of the women who worked at the church. They had their own opinions but you witness some growth in their thoughts as the book progressed.

I recommend this book for it was very easy to get into and made you want to keep reading to find out what was going to happen next. The book also made me stop and think about my own perceptions or beliefs and made me question things that I might have initially rushed to judgment thus giving me pause.  I think it’s a good book like that might provide lots to talk about in a book club.  I am glad I took a chance and picked up this debut novel and I look forward to her future books.

Four butterflies!!


Happy Reading!!


Catch up

helloHello everyone!! I meant to post on Monday but it was so cold (7 degrees) and my schedule was cut short. The photo above was taken on Monday and today it’s 53 degrees and the snow is almost gone. We have some strange weather here in New England. Monday was also a very special day at our home.  I know it’s on everybody’s calendar I know it’s on your calendar and I’m just telling you old news but it’s my husband’s birthday today. Yes, it was my man’s birthday.  Unfortunately had to go to work but we celebrated when he came home. We have a tradition of stretching it out so he will be treated extra special for the week.

I’ve been reading some really cool books lately. One I received for Christmas and really am enjoying them. There will be some reviews coming up very soon I actually have a review of a book for Belinda’s Book Nook, that I just finished at the beginning of this year. I will be posting that one probably later today or tomorrow.

So I told you for Christmas I got my new Cameo 3 for Christmas and I’m so excited to play with it.  I set it up this weekend. It has many new features but one I am so thrilled about is that it is Bluetooth ready which is great because I have more than one machine. So I don’t need to worry about where I place it. I will be purchasing a Business license soon so that I can run them both simultaneously. I currently own the Designer Edition software but there will also be more functionality by purchasing the business edition.   Lot’s more on that soon.

I have also been brainstorming some new features for this website and will be retiring some old ones for some new fresh content this year. I hope you like the new series.

Have a blessed day today!


Happy New Year!!

Image result for happy new yearI’m sending a big Hello and Happy New Year to you! I had such a nice holiday break. It was just how I needed to end 2016. I completed some projects, I refined my workspace, I began preparing my work plan for the first quarter, I created a 2017 reading list for my Book Nook, and most importantly I spent time with family and reflected on all the great things that happened in my life during 2016.

So I begin this year, with so much hope, delight, and gratitude. My family is healthy and happy and I have so much planned for 2017 that I can’t wait to share with you all. In terms of this website, I will be working on a redesign and I will be creating some new series on the blog while retiring some old ones. I have some new health goals and will be bringing you along my journey as always. I look forward to all of the possibilities for 2017.  In the meantime, let’s just enjoy right now, this day, this moment.

Today is National Drinking Straw day. On January 3, 1888, Marvin C. Stone received the patent for the paper drinking straw.

I don’t know about you, but my kids still love using straws. So in honor of this invention, don’t forget to grab a straw to enjoy a favorite beverage today.

Well, I must get to work. Have a blessed day my friends!



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