Hello, Everyone! Well, that was fast, I meant to get back to write some posts last week after the storm and it just didn’t happen. The kids had two snow days out of it so it that kept me busy. Lots of reading, tea and talking while they were home. So they had a short week which meant a short work week for me too. The storm took some time to arrive and then it made a mess and then it rained and then it snowed. So it wasn’t any fun shoveling. However, yesterday, on the first day of spring the temps rose and the snow has begun to melt. When I stand outside it’s fun listening to all the birds singing and the snow dripping as it melts.
As the snow melts, I start to walk around and see what’s starting to make it’s way to the surface. So far, no casualties from the storm. I planted more spring bulbs in my front yard and patiently waiting to see which will bless us with a bloom. This time of year, I start to get anxious about my landscaping and gardening projects.One casualty of the storm was one of our retaining walls fell when our plow guy plowed the snow. It was weak prior to the storm and I had intended on reinforcing it, but now it’s a project of another scale … sigh. I took the photo through our screen the day after the storm on the deck so pardon the fuzziness. If you look at the end of the wall (in the middle of the photo) you can see the fallen stones. I contacted our guy and he will be coming in late spring to assess the damage…second sigh.
Well I am going to go make some lunch but I wanted to check in on you all and let you know we faired well and wish you a blessed day! I will be back with some more book reviews and my recent craft project. I am playing catch up right now.