Archives for October 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Mummy!

High school picture of my mum.

High school picture of my mum.

Today is my mum’s birthday. It’s been six years since she has passed and my heart still aches and I think of her daily.   She still remains to be the most amazing woman in my life.  I am grateful for the close relationship she and I had all those years.

Songs, sounds, images still bring up a strong reaction in me when they trigger a memory.   These memories are my little nuggets of goodness I carry with me. For she is a part of me always. These are things we have to cherish with our friends and family now.

Today I feel like technology and the media make us lose sight of what is important all too often.  So my advice to all is to slow down and cherish THIS very moment. Always remember your blessings that are right before you today. Think less about the future so that you can lock in the miracle of today.

Snuggling up in 2005  with my mum.

Snuggling up in 2005 with my mum.

I miss you mum and know you are always in my heart.



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