Hello friends! I hope you had a lovely weekend. Somehow it managed to fly right by just like this month. I can’t believe it will be October very soon. That said, I always like to make sure I know the official day fall begins. Fall is one of my favorite times of the year and my mind starts to make those adjustments pretty fast. That said, I took the time over the weekend to head over to one of my favorite garden centers to purchase some chrysanthemums to plant in my garden. I laid down my tarp and filled my trunk with some beauties.
In late August, I tend to start to get bored with my veggie garden and start thinking about mums, pumpkins, and red leaves with the foliage change. This year we had such an awful drought that I didn’t have to feel guilty about my change of allegiance to the fall offerings. My veggies are nearing an end and many plants didn’t survive the drought.
So I start walking around my yard and look for wholes to fill with mums. I always fill the spaces next to my blanket flowers with mums for a big splash of color in my front yard.
The plants I had near my front fence didn’t make it leaving a nice place to put a pop of color too.
I still have more decorating to do on my front entrance but at least all of my plants are in!
Have a lovely day!