on my desk…
Hello, my crafty friends! It’s Wednesday and you know what time it is. Time to snoop. For those of you that aren’t familiar with WOYWW (What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday), head on over to Julia’s Stamping Ground and you will find desks from all around the world where we get to snoop on other crafter’s desks.
First, I have to apologize because for the first time, I did not visit anyone’s desk last week accept Julia’s and I didn’t even have time to leave our fearless leader a comment. As you know, I have been trying to increase my inventory so that I can reopen my shop. I have been working on that and then my husband and I decided to turn our guest bedroom into a room for my oldest who turns 17 this month. Great idea you say? Well yes, it is, however our guest room that hasn’t been used since this pandemic started has become, shall I say a catchall room. I still have to clear out the closet but the room is finally free of my crap. Much of it we took in a few trips to our local thrift store and the remainder is in my living room waiting out its fate. I am surprised I did not get a call from the TV show Hoarders!!! It’s that bad. So when we finish it I will be sure to share some photos. So I have not been free to visit you all this past week.
My desk is a hot mess this week because I am not a neat crafter. I would love to be but when ideas are brewing, I tend to jump around from project to project and then my desk gets cluttered.

Fortunately, I was able to attend my weekly craft Zoom session on Saturday and start working on some fall card designs. We started at 1 pm and I got off at nearly 10 pm! It’s really great.

Above are two pre-ordered new-release books I have been waiting for a few to arrive. I read Yaa Gyasi’s debut, “Homegoing” last year and looked forward to her next book. The other book is an author that has a big backlist that I haven’t read but this is her first try at the mystery genre. So it will be my introduction to her writing and then I will work back.

The last picture I will leave you with is two cards completed and below is a sheet I am testing out color combos to create card variations. Other than that I am well and hoping to redeem myself with desk visits this week.
Happy crafting my friends and stay well.