Well if you visited recently you might have heard about the Literary Around the World Challenge that I am participating in for 2018 to take my reading adventures around the globe. I have decided to add one more challenge. (For someone who doesn’t like the stress that most often occurs from challenges, I sure am soaking them up at the start of this year!) I found the idea from Book Riot but it aligns so nicely with my desire to connect more with my oldest son. He enjoys reading comics and each summer for the past few years we even go to the annual Comic-Con. So I decided I will read one comic a week for the year. It doesn’t sound too hard. So I will post updates monthly of the comics I select to read.
Here is a peek at my first comic I read last week is a comic I bought at the most recent Comic-con from the author and illustrator. I even got their signature. I will be back later this month to share more about this comic and the other three comics I select.
Happy reading!