Happy New Year!

Time to plan.

Happy New Year! I’m back!!! I feel like 2022 flew by but I am looking forward to my creative journey in 2023. I have my design planner and calender out to set some structure to my workflow. I took much of November and all of December to reflect and begin to identify what I want my creative play to look like for 2023.

One thing that I would like to see is some enduring consistency with posts on this blog. I am thinking that I might have set my goal too high last year with three posts a week. So I am going to aim for two, sometimes might be three but definitely one a week. I want to continue to share both my Belinda’s Crafts work with Inside my Studio but I also would like to share my creative journey with various mediums. I have some new series in mind, one of which will be called, Product Play Wednesday where I will share photos, tips, trials and errors with new products I acquire in my creative space.

This year I feel like I want to dive into painting and watercolor. It is a medium that has presented a little anxiety for me in the past. I think I shy away from the unpredictable aspects but that is exactly what I want to conquer and let myself have fun. So I have acquired some great products to sink into it. I would like to learn how to use it alone and then work to combine it with my color pencils.

Another area I would like to explore deeply is papercrafting (3D and papercutting with kirigami art). I have had some really cool project ideas I put on the back burner far too long. So do come back to see me fail often but have some fun in the process.

I hope you had a lovely holiday season and look forward to some creative bliss in 2023!

Happy crafting!


  1. Candace Fernandes says

    I am excited to see your upcoming projects!

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