Let’s answer the big question first: Where have I been? I stopped blogging in late October prior to the United States election. I was a bundle of nerves so I stepped away from social media for a respite. However, I ended up staying away for two months!!
I took some much needed time with my family for the holidays after a very tough year. I hope you all are safe and enjoyed your holidays.
I can’t believe it’s 2021 but I am welcoming a fresh start. I love this time of year and also the start of spring. They are times I feel like I have an opportunity to have a fresh start. I started back to work for Belinda’s Crafts on Monday and I intend to make good on my goals to re-open my shop this year. I am setting aside the insecure, perfectionist procrastination and going for it. I will be putting new items up in the shop this month for a re-opening. I will make announcements here once it is live.
Although I did have my share of procrastination last year, I did make some production gains and with the help of my husband created an inventory database to help me track and better make sense of my inventory. I also hired a designer to create a logo for my brand. I always wanted a logo but never really knew what I wanted or where to go. I am very pleased with the new logo and I will be updating the banner to incorporate the new logo soon.
I will also be establishing a new schedule for posts on this site. I would like this site to focus more on Belinda’s Crafts and crafting. I will share new products that will go into the shop, behind the scenes, and all the craft supplies I just have to have. However, I want to focus on the art of paper crafting and all the things that make me happy. I will still include garden pictures and happenings since it also brings me joy.
I hope you can find the time and join me for another year on this blog. Stay well…
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