Good morning and happy Monday! This time of year, I get a little cranky because we change our clocks and the days have earlier sunsets. It gets dark so early in the afternoon that I often feel rushed and begin to stress. One thing I notice is that I complain about the same thing every year and of course nothing changes, we change our clocks and so the process begins. But what I somehow forget is that the absolute best sunrises occur this time of year and I can capture them right from the windows in my home. I rise very early each morning for a mini workout before I bring the boys to school. I wake when it’s still dark outside and this morning was no different. I woke up, tidied up the light mess left behind from my kids and unloaded my dishwasher. Then as I walked out towards my living room, I could see this beautiful pink light streaming through the blinds. So I rushed to the window and opened the blinds and snapped this photo.
My point is, that although I always hate that it is dark by 4:30 every day, I somehow managed to forget the magnificent sunrises. No two are the same and some are more spectacular than others. I always stand there for a bit watching it and being thankful for the blessing to be here to witness it. It’s my first real pause of the day and boy do I cherish it. So perhaps instead of my usual broken record complaining about the earlier darkness, I will remember natures beauty that I get to witness many mornings. This might be the shift I need to go through this season less cranky!This weekend I spent one day with my talented, crafty friends. It has been 4 weeks since our last gathering and longer for some of us. I packed light and only brought a couple coloring books and my colored pencils. I managed to finish a page I started a while back from Kerby Rosanes’ Fantomorphia coloring book. We ate and made each other laugh as usual and one of my dear friends brought me the cutest gift. This very cute bag that has pretty flowers all over it. It’s a great size to tote my coloring book and supplies.
On Sunday we took our boys to the mall to do a little shopping. My oldest is getting his first pair of glasses so that was one of our objectives as well as finding a new winter coat for my youngest. My boys hate shopping but because there is rarely a standard size from store to store I bring them on occasion until I know their sizes in particular stores. We had a nice time despite some grumbling later in the day on how tired they were from walking. It’s so funny, I remember loving the opportunity to go to the mall with my mom. Maybe it’s a boy thing. Once home we settled in for some dinner and football.
Well, I’m off but I hope you all have a blessed Monday and please take time to vote tomorrow!
Hi Belinda. Thanks for stopping by my desk this week. I couldn’t find you on the list so followed the trail to here 🙂 I hope to be showing off that new stamp set in the next week or so. I’m slowly getting those projects out of the way.
I hear you on the earlier sunset. After a day of shopping last night, i got home a bit after 7. In spite of the 30*F , the sky was gorgeous. A sliver of a moon and a sky full of stars. I like the time change. Helps insure that get up around 6. Before the time change, I have trouble crawling out by 7 lol and I’m a morning person!
Creative Blessings!
Kelly #28