Happy Black History Month!

Michael’s Black History haul

It’s Black History Month (BHM) and as always I scan retailers for products featuring black people. I stopped by my local Michael’s and Target to see what I could find.

Unfortunately, I missed some of the items at Michael’s because they ran out of stock. (insert eye roll) I could go on for a bit about the fact that they only sell these products for roughly 4 weeks out of the whole year and that they should provide ample so that they don’t “run out” so quickly, but I won’t.

This year, I picked up two t-shirts, stickers I can use in my planners, and a couple of small fabric rolls. I was pleasantly surprised with the canvas and paint sets. I snagged two. I will paint them and display them in my craft room.

Crayola even got in on the action and ran a batch of markers, crayons and colored pencils that more reflect skin tones. I picked up the pencils but might head back for the markers too.

Unfortunately, my local Target didn’t have anything. Either I missed them or they didn’t stock up on the t-shirts. So that was a miss.

I plan on also absorbing as many specials this month on TV. PBS usually runs quality educational shows and specials in celebration of Black History Month.

And naturally, I have selected several books to read for BHM so I will have my nose buried in some books for the entire month.

Happy Black History Month!

Happy Birthday Martin Luther King, Jr.!!

“Faith is taking the first step when you don’t see the staircase.”

– Martin Luther King Jr.

Happy Birthday Martin Luther King!  This morning during breakfast, I played for the boys Stevie Wonder’s song ‘Happy Birthday‘ that he wrote and produced in 1981 when he was campaigning to get Martin Luther King’s birthday declared a national holiday.

Growing up,  I  remember my mother used to play this song on his birthday every year and we would dance around to it. It became a tradition in our home.  So I thought this year I would introduces the boys to the fun.  Nicholas took to it fast and danced with me in the kitchen.

Today is a very special day for us all and I am truly grateful for the changes that came about as a result of all his and many other’s efforts.

When the boys get home from school today we will complete some coloring pages of Martin to hang around the house. I included a link to the pages below.

I have included a few links for more information on this amazing man:

Have a blessed day!




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