Hello everyone!! I meant to post on Monday but it was so cold (7 degrees) and my schedule was cut short. The photo above was taken on Monday and today it’s 53 degrees and the snow is almost gone. We have some strange weather here in New England. Monday was also a very special day at our home. I know it’s on everybody’s calendar I know it’s on your calendar and I’m just telling you old news but it’s my husband’s birthday today. Yes, it was my man’s birthday. Unfortunately had to go to work but we celebrated when he came home. We have a tradition of stretching it out so he will be treated extra special for the week.
I’ve been reading some really cool books lately. One I received for Christmas and really am enjoying them. There will be some reviews coming up very soon I actually have a review of a book for Belinda’s Book Nook, that I just finished at the beginning of this year. I will be posting that one probably later today or tomorrow.
So I told you for Christmas I got my new Cameo 3 for Christmas and I’m so excited to play with it. I set it up this weekend. It has many new features but one I am so thrilled about is that it is Bluetooth ready which is great because I have more than one machine. So I don’t need to worry about where I place it. I will be purchasing a Business license soon so that I can run them both simultaneously. I currently own the Designer Edition software but there will also be more functionality by purchasing the business edition. Lot’s more on that soon.
I have also been brainstorming some new features for this website and will be retiring some old ones for some new fresh content this year. I hope you like the new series.
Have a blessed day today!
Happy Birthday Leao! Yah.. we had a foot of snow, playing in it with Rosie on Tuesday, so fluffy I can actually walk thru it. Gone Wednesday!
I saw the pictures of Rosie in the snow. She looked so happy!