Archives for June 2021

Out with the Old and In with the New

We removed our old veggie beds.

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a wonderful Monday. I am in a great mood. I could think of all the things I haven’t completed but that typically happens on any other Monday. Because let’s face it. Monday gets a bad wrap because it usually signifies the end of the weekend and back to work or school or a reminder of all the things I didn’t complete last week. So often, I find myself in a creative funk on Mondays because I have to play catch-up on projects or tasks. But today, I am turning the tables. I am treating today like a Friday. Now we all appreciate Fridays. They are the end of the typical work week and the start of the weekend and so many possibilities.

I wanted a round patio.
I enjoyed watching the process.
Cutting the circular shape.

I had a wonderful weekend. One of our big summer projects came to a conclusion and now we have a new patio. It took several weekends and a load of masons to come together to create my dream patio. I am looking forward to creating new memories with friends and family on it. We ordered a chiminea that should arrive in a few weeks. I also am on the hunt for some simple side tables and then the patio decor will be complete. We have two more summer projects to complete – a privacy wall, raised veggie beds with irrigation and lighting. Then my new garden room, as I am calling it, will be complete.

The finished patio definitely puts a smile on my face.

It has been relaxing not having to manage my veggie beds this summer. I will have more down time to enjoy family and our new outdoor space. I also can’t wait to sit out there early morning with a cup of tea and a book.

I hope you are enjoying your Monday!

Where’d she go?

removing screens on our deck

Well hello to you! I know I have been missing for several weeks and I am here to say I wasn’t simply just sitting on my hands. As the school year ends and summer approaches, I usually have a lot of things to do to prepare for the next season in our home.

I have been spending my time checking out contractors for some much-needed work as well as some new projects on our property. For one, I have finally decided to try out a mosquito spraying service. I have been thinking about this for years and the purest in me has always won out and so I never pursued contracting a company. But each year, it seems that the mosquitos have increased and are more vicious in the summer months forcing us to spend much of our time on our screened-in deck. However, after a year of quarantining at home during the pandemic, I am really looking forward to spending time out on all of our property. So I have hired a company to treat our property to create a barrier against both mosquitos and ticks. I can cancel at any time so I am going to give it a try.


The other project my husband and I have been working on is repainting and rescreening our deck. It’s funny that I can color and paint in my craft room but painting out on our deck, well let’s just say that I am not a natural. Since our deck is pretty large this process has taken some time to complete so I have not spent much time in my office. Now that it is complete, I am not in the process of bringing out all of our deck furniture and decorating now that the time-consuming work is complete.

All painted

We also have decided to take down our old veggie-raised beds and redesign a new space in our back yard with irrigation. We have removed all the old soil and broken down the old beds and are now in the planning stages before we order wood to be delivered to begin this next project.

I had intended on releasing some new products at the end of May but that didn’t happen either. But rather than get mad or listen to my inner critic, I am embracing the ebb and flow of my work as I handle my home projects. So I haven’t had much time to write posts. But I will get back to this as well as back to work in the up coming weeks.

Have a wonderful weekend!


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