Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a wonderful Monday. I am in a great mood. I could think of all the things I haven’t completed but that typically happens on any other Monday. Because let’s face it. Monday gets a bad wrap because it usually signifies the end of the weekend and back to work or school or a reminder of all the things I didn’t complete last week. So often, I find myself in a creative funk on Mondays because I have to play catch-up on projects or tasks. But today, I am turning the tables. I am treating today like a Friday. Now we all appreciate Fridays. They are the end of the typical work week and the start of the weekend and so many possibilities.
I had a wonderful weekend. One of our big summer projects came to a conclusion and now we have a new patio. It took several weekends and a load of masons to come together to create my dream patio. I am looking forward to creating new memories with friends and family on it. We ordered a chiminea that should arrive in a few weeks. I also am on the hunt for some simple side tables and then the patio decor will be complete. We have two more summer projects to complete – a privacy wall, raised veggie beds with irrigation and lighting. Then my new garden room, as I am calling it, will be complete.
It has been relaxing not having to manage my veggie beds this summer. I will have more down time to enjoy family and our new outdoor space. I also can’t wait to sit out there early morning with a cup of tea and a book.
I hope you are enjoying your Monday!