Hello! How are you today? It’s cold and sunny outside in my neck of the woods. But nice and comfy inside. I have my cup of Chai and I am ready to wrap up work on my fall collection of cards. I had taken a long time off from production for my online store and focused on offline custom items and continuing to explore new techniques in my craft. So I have to shake off the cobwebs and get down to the business of making some products for my online store.
I based this Autumn Collection on one color palette. I have never done this before and it sort of just happened that I liked the palette I was using on one card and thought hmm, that might look nice on this other card. So I created the next one with it and then the light bulb moment occurred to create my collection around this palette.
I took teaser photos and included them of some of the products that will be released next week in the photo above. I am wrapping up a few and then on to the photography phase to make them ready for my Etsy shop. I am going away this weekend so I had to push my final launch date out into next week. This time of year, it’s very difficult to push deadlines out so I am going to have to hustle onward to meet the next set of deadlines. I will announce the final release date here so stay tuned.
I hope you all are having a blessed day and keeping warm if you are in the colder regions.
Pretty fall colors