Well Hello!

Well hello everyone! Wooha! It’s been a crazy few weeks over here. We had a nor’easter on Tuesday and it dumped over a foot of snow.  We had two snow days which made my kids very happy.  I really love being snug inside with them during storms knowing we have what we need and don’t have to go out. Prior to all this, I had the flu which took me out of the game for almost two weeks. Hence my lengthy absence.

I am so happy with our new plow guy because he did a remarkable job on our driveways and all of our walkways. I was so grateful not to have to shovel at all.  Just stayed inside and played board games with my son and video games with my oldest.  Aside from the flu and snowstorms, I have been doing a lot of reading and coloring with my colored pencils. I have a few fun posts planned so come on back.

My kids are back in school today so I am sitting down at my desk and look forward to finding my rhythm again for creating and publishing posts.

Have a blessed day!


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